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Hey everyone, this chapter is dedicated to cupcake2244 because she became my fan, and then like an hour later she's read both my stories and commented on them, so I think that's awesome, and deserves a round of applause. ;) Enjoy!



It surrounds me from all sides, muffling my senses. I feel like someone hit my head with a hammer. It feels sort of like a hangover, I guess.

I feel a light pressure on my wrist, and then just like that, it's gone.

I can hear murmurs around me, and I struggle to open my eyes. The whispers fall silent. I concentrate hard, and try once again.

This time, they actually open. The world is blurry, and my eyes start to water. I blink a few times, and everything shifts into focus.

I'm in a plain white room, with simple pictures of flowers on the wall.  I can see two people in front of me.    I blink hard, and finally I can see clearly. 

I don't know who the first person is, he has dark brown hair and pale blue eyes. I do know the other person though. Kate. 

I give a gasp and try to scramble away from her. "It's okay, Leona," Kate soothes. "I haven't changed. I'm still your best friend."

I struggle to speak. When I do, it sounds like a donkey choking. "What...what happened?" I croak.

The man smiles grimly. "You passed out and hit your head. My son and your friend took you back here. Your leg wound reopened too."

I frown. "And your son is...?"

"My son's name is Jake. I don't know if you know him," I suck in a breath, "but my name is Maxwell, but you can call me Max."

"Max." The name feels weird on my tongue.

"I don't want to push you," Max says, looking grim, "But what do you remember?"

I shift through blurry memories. "I was in the woods," I begin uncertainly, "And then I stumble into this clearing and I see these-these wolves and they're training or something, so I run away, and then two of them chase me, and then... and then..." I trail off, not really wanting to finish.

"And then?" prompts Max.

"And of them turns into a... a... human, and-"

"It's clear you're hallucinating," Max says, his face expressionless. "I'll get the doctor, and then she'll-"

"No." Kate says.

"No?" Max raises an eyebrow.

"She's not hallucinating." Kate mutters, looking at the floor, "And Leona knows it."

"Is this true?" Max looks at me.

"Yes," I whisper. "I know a lot more than you think."

"How? Did someone tell you?" Max's eyes are tiny points of steel.

"No," I didn't want to tell him about Dad. Not yet. "I overheard people talking, and then I went to the woods, and there were some wolves there..." I suck in a breath through my teeth. "And then one visited me."

"When?" Max's voice is guarded.

"Around the full moon, I guess."

Max sighs. "Alright, I guess I have to trust you. My family and many others are special. We are shifters, more commonly known as werewolves."

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