Chapter eight

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The moment my eyes opened, the memories of what had happened while Peridot and I were fused flooded into my head and I couldn't look her in the eye. So I did the only thing I really could do, run. I'm sure I could've flown away to get as far away from this situation as possible, but for some reason that didn't seem like a good answer to it. So I just ran and ran until I was out of breath to the point that I collapsed on the ground, curling into a tight ball.
"I can't believe what I did...I hurt her...and she didn't deserve it." I covered my face with my hands and just sobbed. She would never forgive me for this. Never. How could she? I almost dragged her to the bottom of the ocean.
"Lapis!" Peridot's voice seemed to rip me from whatever world I was in mentally and I struggled to my feet. I couldn't look her in the eye. So I was avoiding it.
"Please just stop! Let me talk to you!" She grabbed me from behind and I struggled to free myself. But I was too exhausted to escape her. So I gave up trying to fight her.
"Lapis...I don't care. I don't care about what happened while we were fused. I don't care that you almost dragged us to the bottom of the ocean. I only care about the fact that you had a flashback that you were back as Malachite again. And I know that upset you. But I'm here for you. We're a team. We're together," I felt her bury her face into my back. Her voice was so soft and soothing. It relaxed me. I felt like I actually mattered, "and that means through anything that may happen."
I bowed my head and felt more tears begin to fall down my face. "But all that I did. I can't forgive myself. I treated you like Jasper," I shook my head and covered my face, "and I could've ruined you..."
"But you didn't!" She squeezed me tighter, "you didn't ruin me! And I'm still here. And I still want to be with you!"
I used what little strength I mustered and broke free of her grasp, turning around to her and picking her up in a hug. "I hate you Peridot! But...that's what makes me love you so much more," I buried my face in her neck and took a couple deep breaths to calm myself.
"You love me?" She pulled away a bit to look in my eyes.
My face heated up and I quickly put her down, turning away and covering my face. "," I had said that hadn't I? Oh my what a hole I had dug for myself.
"Yes...yes I do," I turned to her and took a deep breath, "I love you. And I pretty much have since I started feeling those weird...feelings for you." A smile crossed my lips. I felt some kind of weight lift off of my shoulders.
Her face turned a dark green and she looked away. "I-I love you clod."
That was my new favorite word.

We made our way back to the barn, hand in hand, content in each other's presence. I was at peace...Peridot didn't blame me for what I had done. And she still wanted to stay with me...stay by my side. She loved me...just as she had said. And I loved her. I had her to help me cope with the monsters that were eating me inside.

That night we laid on top of the silo and just looked up into the star filled sky.
"Do you ever miss homeworld?" She asked me, squeezing my hand a little.
"Every now and then yeah. But I realize what a wonderful planet the earth is. And I want to stay here and venture everywhere," I put my other hand under my head and smiled at her, "what about you?"
"Yeah," she chuckled a little, "homeworld was my home. Still kind of is. But my new home is here on Earth. With you."
My face heated up again and I started laughing.
"What? What's so funny? What did I say?" She sat up and looked down at me, her face dark green.
"Nothing's're just absolutely adorable," I sat up as well and leaned in a bit, "and I'm really happy to have you with me." I pressed my lips on hers and relaxed when she kissed me back,wrapping her arms around my neck.
I pulled back after a bit and just hummed, laying on top of her a bit.

"Um is now a bad time because I can come back later," a voice called up to us. I looked over the edge and down on the ground was Garnet looking up at us.
"But I'd prefer not to come back because this is important."
I grabbed Peridot and flew down to her, letting her down on her feet.
"What's up Garnet?" I asked, seeing a serious (more serious than usual I should say) look on her face.
"Homeworld knows we're still here. I don't know how they know. But someone tipped them off. There's a large ship entering our atmosphere as we speak. It's full of Quartz Soldiers. We have an all out battle about to hit us. And we need all the gem power we can get. We need you and Peridot to fight with us. Fused or not." She crossed her arms, looking down at us.
I looked down at Peridot who nodded at me.
A battle like this could end up with any of us being shattered. Or we could all end up okay with the Quartz soldiers all poofed.
"Alright. We'll help you. And Tanzanite will too. I'm ready to fused as her. And I know we'll be stable."

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