Chapter Two

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It’s my first day of my long and dreadful college life. Yes, I said dreadful coz nothing exciting ever happens at school; or at least none of their trivial, shallow and superficial things excites me.

And now I’m looking at the mirror and I can see how far my mom’s hotness is to me. I tried to rock Emma Stone’s look on the movie Zombieland with the shirt, jeans, boots and leather jacket. And so far, it has been a failure of epic proportions. I grimaced at my reflection because I forgot one important detail that would explain why this is a failure; Emma Stone is hot and I’m NOT.

I wanted to put something else on, but according to the clock on my bedside table if I don’t leave now, I’m going to be late on my first day.

It’s this house’s fault why I had to leave the house twenty minutes too early! This manor, like I said is on a secluded area coz it has its own land. In a layman’s term, it’s far from civilization.

I looked outside my window to check the skies for any weather update, but the sky is clear which is good.

But as I glance towards the manor’s gate, I can see a hooded figure standing just outside the gate. Although, I can’t see if it’s a man or a woman coz it’s still too far from my window. And here I thought this place is far from the townspeople. I just shrugged and ignored it. I made my way downstairs.

“Don’t tell me you’re leaving without any breakfast, young lady,” Lilia looked at me with a raised eyebrow and a hand on her hips indicating a bad mood and I’m dead.

I smelled the mouthwatering fragrance of my favorite breakfast; bacon and pancake. I curse this damn house!

“I’m sorry Lil. I’m running late,” I run outside the house as fast as I could before she could explode, then I drove away faster than necessary.

Good thing that the town is small and the university is big; I don’t have to get lost trying to find out where the hell it is.

I parked next to a shiny black sedan; which looked feeble compared to my baby. My car is an Empala. If you have seen Sam and Dean’s car in the series Supernatural, then you’ll know how awesome my car is.

“Nice car.” Apparently, the owner of the sedan is the dude that I met at the pub three nights ago. I eyed his car and looked at him indifferently. “You’re not so bad yourself.” Then I made my way towards my class and I heard him walking beside me.

“I told you, I’ll see you around,” he seems so amuse by that. “Probably coz this town is freaking small and only got one university. So if I were you, I wouldn’t call it fate, you poor guy,” I said with contempt and he only chuckled. I’m almost at my classroom and he’s still beside me.

I stopped and looked at him with a raised eyebrow. “Don’t you have somewhere else to be?” he gave me a blank stare and a sneer. “I do, and it happens to be the classroom beside yours. So don’t flatter yourself into thinking that I’m stalking you,” he winked at me and walked ahead of me.

That made me snort. “Hey jerk,” I called out to him and he stopped and looked back at me with raised eyebrows. I walked towards him and stared right into his eyes and gave him a rotten smile. “If you weren’t stalking me; like you said you were, then how did you know where my classroom is?” he couldn’t answer me. “Yeah, I thought so too,” I laughed then walked past him and went inside my class.

My professor wasn’t there yet, good. I sat in the middle row.

“Hi! I’m Tamara Sage Good. But you can call me Sage,” the cute petite girl beside me smiled and held out her hand to me. I shook it. “Alice,” and with that, her tiny face lit up with enthusiasm. “You don’t happen to be Alice Emerald Ravenswood, aren’t you?” how she can be so happy about that, I will never understand. And isn’t it kinda weird for her to know my full name? “How did you know that?” I tried not to sound freaked out.

“Everyone knows it,” she beamed at me. I looked around at everyone with wide freaked out eyes. “Besides, you’re a legacy here. Your parents are members of the founding families and a huge benefactor of this university and other places.” Okay, now that’s just so creepy. Don’t they have better hobbies that checking out other people’s profile?

“You know a lot,” I just said, trying not to sound so judgmental. But I regret that almost immediately when I saw her flush and a bit sad. “I’m sorry. I’ve been told that I talk too much.” Damn, her cuteness is overpowering my reason. “It’s okay. Don’t sweat it,” I nervously smiled at her. Good thing, the professor finally came.

“Now before we start, I want to know who among you are part of the founding families?” the professor asked and based from what just Sage said, I guess I’m one of them. I raised my hand and so did the pretty blonde in front. The professor gestured for us to lower our hands. “I just want to make it clear that no one is going to get any special treatment in this class,” the blonde grimaced at that, but I loved it. Attention isn’t actually at the top of my lists.

I think I’m gonna like this class. “I’m Luke McKenzie and welcome to the Mythology class.

“Mr. McKenzie’s class is awesome!” Sage exclaimed as we head to our next class. Sage and I had the same major, so at least now I have a buddy at my every class. And I won’t get lost. Yes!

‘He’s not that great.” That wasn’t us. We were both surprised when the pretty blonde from earlier was suddenly walking beside us. Creepy.

“I’m Iris Pacifica Hope,” she held out her hand and I reluctantly shook it. “Alice; and she’s Sage,” Iris gave Sage a small smile. Although, it kinda looked like a sneer. “I know her. we went to the same schools, just diferrent statuses. It’s you that we don’t know about. But I’m glad that you’re finally here in Dark Falls. All the legacies are now reunited. Isn’t that wonderful?” something about this girl creeps me out. I didn’t know how to respond to that, so I just nodded for conversation’s sake.

Iris stopped in front of a lab. “See you later, Ravenswood,” she said before she went inside. “Well, she seems nice,” I said with pure sarcasm. Something about Iris just screams ‘bitch!’

Sage chuckled at that. “She is, actually. Once you get to know her,” I can’t believe the sincerity in Sage’s voice when that snotty girl just implied that she’s better than anyone here. “Did you get to know her?” I raised a brow at her and she nodded. “Well, seeing that you’re here and not beside her as her minion; I’m guessing something went wrong,” I frankly said what I observed.

“She was hot, I’m not. She told me to stay away from her for my own good. People were thinking that I was hanging out with her coz she’s popular so she took it upon herself to protect me,” well, that was a sharp blow to my chest for being so judgmental. There was an awkward silence as we walked to our next class.

Then I realized something. “Wait, what does she mean by ‘see you later’?” she grinned mischievously at me; which would’ve been so cute if only I wasn’t so slow. “You’ll see.”

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