Chapter Four

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“Alice? Alice?” I seriously conclude that I’m dreaming, coz right now that’s my mom calling out to me and she hasn’t aged one bit. “Alice, I’ve got no time but you have to listen to me. You have to get out of this place as soon as you can and as far as your feet would allow,” I looked around our surrounding and I can see that we were in a garden that I’ve never seen before and right now we’re standing inside a gazebo. “Mom, what’s wrong?” she looked so scared and sad; I really wanted to hug her so bad. “Mom, why are you telling me this?” she only shook her head and gave me a sad smile. “No good will come out of you trying to find me Alice. Just promise me that you’ll leave. I love you my baby.”

And then, I woke up, but I was yelling out her name as I did.

I looked around and I can see that I’m in my own bedroom. I shook my head and stood up. I passed by the mirror as I was going to the bathroom. I had to go back to the mirror for I saw something wrong. There were red marks on my neck; shaped like someone else’s hands.

As I traced the mark, my memories of last night came flooding in. And it scared me. I had to run to the bathroom and splashed my face with cold water to remove the panic attack that was threatening to overcome me.

I wasn’t a wimp, but not knowing something that I might be involved in; scares me.

I went downstairs to get breakfast.

And as I was descending carefully down the stairs; I bumped into the panic stricken Lilia. “Are you hurt? Is everything okay? I heard you scream,” she said in a rush and then she panted for air. I touched her shoulders to calm her down. “I’m okay. Just had a weird dream, that’s all,” I smiled at her. Then we both went to the kitchen.

As she was serving my food, she looked at me with knitted brows. “Alice who was that guy, who brought you home last night? And why were you unconscious?” and so, last night really did happen. I was ready to proclaim that the red marks on my neck were self-inflicted; if that would keep me away from the weirdness.

But here is Lilia, proving that last night’s fiasco is as real as it could get.

“A friend,” I lied. “I think I hit my head and past out. That was kind of him to bring me home,” I tried to smile genuinely. I wasn’t sure of the truth yet, so I can’t actually share something I’m not even sure if it really did happen.

I was thinking too much about the event last night that I was so out of it. I almost crashed into a tree while driving to school. Good thing about it, is that I’m gonna be late for school. I don’t really have the temperament to run into anyone involved last night.

Before I knew it, I was already at the school’s parking lot.

I was still so wrapped up in my thoughts that when someone tapped in my car’s window, I literally jumped and hit my head on the roof of my car.

“Damn,” I mumbled as I look at the douche who surprised me. The pain I was feeling changed into annoyance as I see that it was Heath; but he looks worried.

I rolled down my window. “What do you want?” I tried to sound as annoyed as I can; but he just chuckled. “Based on your sassy attitude, I can tell your fine,” did he just said that he’s concerned about me? Well, I didn’t actually see that coming. I stared at him with skepticism; then looked away when I heard him clear his throat.

“You do know that you’re already twenty minutes late right?” oh shoot! I was planning on being late, but not that late!

I immediately got out of my car and walked briskly towards my class. Just like yesterday, he was walking beside me again.

That’s when I realized something. S I stopped and glared at him. “What?” he asked so innocently. “Did you just wait for me in the parking lot?” I hissed at him and he avoided my eyes. “No, I wasn’t,” yes you were. “I was also late,” you’re such a bad liar. “I know when someone’s lying to me you moron. Why did you wait for me?” he looked down on the floor and that’s when I remembered what he just said; about being concerned.

“It’s because of last night, isn’t it?” again, he didn’t answered. Silence means yes; and it’s making me angry. “I’m not as fragile as you think! I can handle myself and I certainly don’t need your help!” I yelled at him which caught the attention of some bystanders. “You don’t even know what’s happening, miss sassy pants,” Heath argued in a whisper to not catch any more attention.

“Yeah, I don’t. And I’m not planning on sticking my nose in it! I came here to do something else, so don’t get me mixed up in some weirdness that you and your friends are brewing!” I snarled and walked away.

When I got to class, Mr. McKenzie glance at me then ignored me as I walk towards my seat. What irritated me was the bitch Iris sitting up front and smiling at me as if she didn’t strangle me last night.

“You looked pissed. What’s wrong?” Sage asked as I sat down and I just shook my head. I don’t really plan on sharing anything about last night’s weird event. “Anyway, what happened to you last night?” I only remembered now that I left her at the party while the commotion was happening.

I was surprised when she looked at me with questioning eyes. “What about last night?” she asked. “Last night, the party,” I said as a matter of fact, but she just continued to look at me as if I’m going crazy.

“Alice, there wasn’t any party last night,” did I just heard Sage right? “What did you just said?” I asked, trying to hide the panic.

“Have you forgotten? It was cancelled due to a bad weather,” what bad weather? I looked out the window and saw a clear sunny sky. “We just went home last night. You even gave me a ride home.”

It’s either Sage is lying or she’s been brain washed. And now I can see Iris smiling at me down at the front. She must have something to do with this. That bitch!

“Alice are you okay?” Sage looked at me with worry and I tried to smile at her as if nothing’s wrong at all. “I am. Just bummed about last night, I guess,” she gave me an empathetic smile. “You and me both.”

I planned on talking to Iris after class; but as soon as Mr. McKenzie said goodbye she was nowhere to be found. Nobody even noticed that she left.

I looked for her in the parking lot but she wasn’t there either; so was Heath. So much for trying to be my bodyguard.

After seeing that there’s no way I can find her here, I head towards my car to talk to her in her own residence. But as I was approaching my car, I was surprised to see the weird guy from last.

I think his name is Reid; and he’s grinning at me. 

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