Chapter Six

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So here I am, in the Dark Lounge and drowning myself with vodka. I can’t actually go home to my old house to ask my father, since he’s still on a business trip, and those damn angels might find me on a dark road and kill me with no witnesses.

So I decided to just drink.

“So, how are you holding up?” I wasn’t surprised to see Reid beside me. Heck, I bet nothing could surprise me now. “I have a drink in my hand, and I’m starting to feel numb. How do you think I’m holding up?” I glared at him; although I don’t know which one coz I can see three Reids in front of me.

He looked smiled empathetically at me.

“Besides, how did you even found me?” I tried to change the subject as he took a seat next to mine and ordered a drink. He beamed and pointed at his nose. “Dog’s nose, remember?” ah, now that explains it. “Besides, I don’t think that you’re the type of girl that after she’s told that she’s something that she thought she wasn’t; would go running to her parents and whine about it. So, I figured you’d be doing something else rather than cry yourself to sleep. And I figured you’d be drinking yourself to death,” he grinned at me as if he thinks he’s some sort of genius. I only gave him a snort. “You think too highly of me. I almost did ran to my parent’s house.” He looked at me with sad puppy eyes. “What stopped you?”

“The fact that my mom disappeared, two weeks after I was born. And that my dad is on a business trip. If I did come home, there’s only my stepmom there and I doubt that she knows something. She might just faint if she knew what I’ve just been through,” now that I’ve said it, I still can’t believe how fast things are going. Perhaps too fast that I can’t even have a solid grasp on what’s real any more.

“Well, that sucks,” he gulped the drink he had in his hands. “I know,” was all I could say. “Yeah, I actually thought I figured you out. And here you are telling me that you would’ve run over there!” that surprised me. “That’s what you got from all that?” I narrowed my eyes at him only to see that he was grinning at me.

‘I’m just kidding, you snotty brat,” he said then ruffled my hair, and I did chuckle at that. “You know, what keeps bothering me, is that how come you really know nothing,” I looked at Reid with confusion. “What do you mean?”

“What I mean is, there must be something in your past that gave you a hint that your father isn’t exactly the normal businessman he ought to be,” now that he mentioned it, I got curios too. “He must’ve had a witch make me forget about all of it,” I flatly said and he looked at me with glee. “Yeah, that’s a great idea!” I shook my head.

“No, it’s a bad idea,” Reid fell silent. “Why?”

“Because that would just mean that my beloved father whom I thought loves me dearly and more than anything in this world, has been lying to me my whole life!” I smashed my hand on the table and he stopped me by putting his hand over mine.

When I looked at him, he had this kind smile on his face which made him look like a saint.

“You’re looking at it the wrong way, Alice,” I knitted my brows together. “What?”

“Don’t you see? You’re parents moved out of this place before you were born to keep you safe once your mother has given birth to you. They told you nothing and kept you in the dark because they know how dangerous it could get, and no parent wants their child in harm’s way,” I wanted to flick his forehead with my finger if he wasn’t so right about everything that he just said.

So I just looked down at my drink. “Yeah, I wish I’d listen,” I glare at my glass and he chuckled. “You should’ve listened to me.”

“Yeah, about that. When you warned me, did you already know that I know nothing?” I looked at him intensely and he shook his head and grinned at me. “I didn’t. I was drunk, I barely knew half of what I was saying,” we both laughed at that.

Reid was my drinking buddy that night and when I past out he brought me home.

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