Chapter Three

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Apparently, when Iris said ‘see you later’, that was an invite to her party later that night which is exclusive to college students. I didn’t plan on going, but Sage begged me to go so hard that disappointing her is out of the question. And ever since I met her, I felt this urge to protect her, that’s why I can’t let her go there alone.

We promised to meet at Iris’ house, where the party will be.

I changed my shirt and jeans into a mini black dress, but I kept my boots and jacket on. Then I drove towards Iris’ house.

During my first day in town, before I went to the pub, I already saw her house. It’s actually one of those manors I passed by. And looks like I’m right. Most of the manors are owned by the founding families.

And thanks to Sage, I now know that Iris’ father is the town’s mayor. So it’s pretty easy to spot their house.

As soon as I parked, I can see that the party had already started; judging by the drunk kids loitering around the area, some with their raging hormones made the driveway a make out park.

I texted Sage and she told me she’s inside. So, inside I went.

“I thought you were gonna ditch me,” she looked happy to see me. I smiled back as I grab my red cup. “Believe me, I would’ve. But you’re too cute to be left behind with all these monsters around,” I winked at her. “I knew you couldn’t resist my charms,” we laughed at that.

I scanned the room and was disappointed by what I saw under the stairs. He was surrounded by flirtatious girls and he seems to love it.

“That’s Heath Mikaelson,” Sage told me as she followed my gaze. I looked away and tried to focus on Sage. “He’s also a legacy like you, who just returned to town. He left town during third grade,” so he wasn’t lying when he said he just came back to town. But what bothers me right now, is that seeing him flirting around, bothers me. I don’t even know why.

Well, it’s probably because I thought he’d be different from the others. Oh who am I kidding?! We first me because he flirted at me!

Okay, now I’m just frustrated.

“Why exactly did he left?” I tried to distract myself from my weird train of thought. “His parents died,” that almost made me choke on what I’m drinking. “They said that they were killed by some wild animal, so he left this town to live with his uncle. And now he’s back.” I have got to stop judging people, especially when Sage is here to tell me a sob story about them that would just prove how low I can be. Damn, now I’m just so mad at myself.

“I think I need to go to the bathroom,” I didn’t wait for Sage’s reply and just head off randomly somewhere in the house. Any place is better than seeing him flirting with girls and me judging him.

I wandered off into the kitchen. Unfortunately, I became a witness to a couple who looked like they were eating each other’s faces off rather than kissing at the top of the kitchen counter. When I recovered my senses, I tried to leave silently, but the guy me and gestured for me to stay as he pulled away from the girl. “You must be Alice,” Sage wasn’t kidding when she said everyone knows my name. I nodded. “And you look busy,” I eyed him and the girl and was about to go away when he stopped me again.

He turned to the girl and smiled. “Leave us,” he commanded to the girl. She was reluctant about it, but she obeyed. But not without giving a death glare to me on her way out.

“Why did you do that?” I asked when the girl was out of earshot. He only smiled at me and gestured for me to sit beside him; the same spot where he was kissing the girl. I shook my head. “I’m seriously not gonna sit there.”

He chuckled. “Do you know what this party is for?” I was taken aback by his sudden and out of the blue question. I just shook my head in perplexity. “It’s for the homecoming king and queen.” I don’t get it and the dark gleam in his eyes, sent shivers down my spine.

“You do understand that I’ve got no idea about what you just said, right?” this town is seriously full of wackos! He looked at me as if I was stupid and I suddenly felt the urge to kick him in the balls.

He shook his head as if disappointed at my lack of knowledge. “It’s for you and Heath; for finally coming home.” Before I could even reply to that, Iris burst through the door across me, behind the weird guy.

“I knew I smelled crap. Reid, I told you to keep your smelly mouth shut!” Iris hissed. He only laughed, stood up and went towards me. “I’m only welcoming Alice here,” the sinister smile was back on his lips ash leaned in closer to my ears and whispered, “You shouldn’t have come back, miss Alice.”

He gave me one last sinister smile then left.

What the fuck?

When I was about to look at Iris, I was startled to see her already in front of me with eyes narrowed at me. “What did Reid told you?” I don’t get the interest in what that weirdo just said. “Ask him.” I turned my back to her and was ready to leave when I felt her grip on my arm. For someone skinny, her grip is way too strong and it hurts; a lot.

“Let me go, or I’ll ruin your pretty face,” I snarled at her. Then suddenly, something I never expected happened so fast. She suddenly had her grip on my throat and was choking me to death.

How in the world is she capable of doing this?

“When I let you go, you better answer my question. Got it?” I nodded my head violently coz I’ve got no choice. I was losing my oxygen. She let me go.

“Now tell me,” she crossed her arms and tapped her toes, as I was gasping for air. I was going to slap her when I heard a loud noise outside. I looked at Iris and she’s as surprised as I am.

Then the door behind me burst open and in came a guy I’ve never seen before. He has blonde hair, green eyes and panic plastered all around his beautiful face. “They’re here Iris. You better get her out of here,” I know he was referring to me, coz the panic that I saw in his face was directed towards me.

What the hell is happening here?

Then suddenly Heath appeared out of nowhere. “You called?” he looked at Iris and she nodded. What the…? How can that be when I never saw her use her phone or call out his name!

“We need to keep her safe,” that’s rich coming from the woman who just strangled me moments ago. “What do you want me to do?” Heath asked as another loud noise was heard outside and people were screaming hysterically.

‘I’ll knock her out and you take her home,” did I just hear Iris right?

But before I could protest to anything, she was beside me and karate chopped the back of my neck.

I blacked out.

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