Chapter 4

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Meredy's P.O.V

I couldn't sleep...


A forced one at that...

I tossed and turned! No sleep! Ugh I hate this! I don't want this! I don't even know this guy.

After hours of tossing and turning I fell asleep.

The Kingdom burning...

Darkness... Alone...


I hopped up from my bed, I wiped the tears from my eyes.

"What the hell?" I whisper.

"Is getting married really putting that much stress on me?" I ask myself. "I wonder if Jellal has this much stress?"

"Is getting a forced marriage that bad, or am I just worrying myself?" I mutter.

Jellal says he likes his fiancée, but he's known her since they were children.

All I know about mine is that he has black hair, red eyes, very protective of his cat, very quiet, probably hates a lot of people, and probably scares children and others with a look.

What? I have research on other kingdoms, not just my own.

-Time Skip-

I was at the dining room table sitting there, deep in thought.

"Meredy, you haven't touched your food are you alright?" Jellal asked.

"Huh, oh yeah, I'm fine, don't worry." I smiled.

Lyon's P.O.V

I was sleeping in a dark alley, I figured it was better than out in the open with so many guards.

I couldn't get my mind off that one girl... How did she know everything about those fights? She's probably been in them before, considering how skilled she looks.

I then hear crying. I look over to see a little kid crying.

I walk out of the alley to see the kid.

"M-My mother is sick. I don't know what to do." The kid cried, they sounded like a boy by the way the voice sounded.

"It's ok I'll help you." I say, and smile at the boy.

I sneak into some areas of the market to see what I can find, all I see is an apple, and some other fruits. Wow people here are actually smart to hold valuables close to them.

I find the kid and hand him what I found.

"Take this to your mother, and make sure she gets rest." I say, he nods.

"Thank you sir." He says and run off.

Meredy's P.O.V

I don't know what to do...

"I hate how much stress this has put on me, even if it was only a day ago." I mutter.


That strange thought came to my mind.

Runaway and you won't be in as much stress, you can come back when you're ready.

Maybe I should... I smiled.

But Wendy... What I promised her, oh I know I'll write her a note.

To Wendy,
  I know I promised you I would not leave you... But now I need some space, I don't know when I'll be back, the time will be a week to a year... Wen I will be back for you, I promise... I'll try and write to you once a month... Keep smiling for me.

I hated having to do this to her, Jellal, and mother, but it's for the the best. I leave the note on Wendy's bed. I put on my cloak and go off into the market.

"Stop right there bitch!"


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