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Chloe's POV

First day back and I'm already hating it, I mean I don't really like school much because I don't really have any friends other than Peyton and he's got all his stuff for graduation, prom and all that stuff, and next year he won't even be here, what do I do then? Ugh, I hate it, I get off the bus with Peyton behind me and walk towards the gates, I walk past the car park towards the school but I'm not looking where I'm going and suddenly I hit into someone and we both fall to the ground

"Ow" the person groans

"Im so sorry" I say hurriedly, as I look up I see a pretty blonde girl, about my age who I didn't recognise

"You girls okay?" Peyton asks us as he helps me back up I nod that I am as the girl gathers up her books speedily and I put out my hand to help her up, feeling bad for her

"Oh...uh thanks" she takes my hand clearly unsure but I help her up and smile, she smiles back awkwardly

"Are you new?" I ask her and she nods, clearly nervous

"Y...yeah" she replays quietly, she's clearly shy like me

"I'm Chloe and this is Peyton" I tell her as I gesture for us to head in

"Sabrina" she told us

"Nice to meet you Sabrina, so what year are you?" I ask her as informally as I can to try and make her feel more comfortable

"Junior" she replies with yet another one word answer

"Me too, but Peyton's a senior, stupid kid's leaving me next year" I say with a little chuckle, Peyton rolls his eyes and chuckles too, she let's put a small little chuckle, she seems really nice, maybe we can be friends

"C...can you tell me where the principals office is, my br....uh parents came in to see him yesterday but I was told to go to see him to get my schedule and talk about a few things before classes" she tells us quietly

"Want me to take you? My 1st teacher's out this week and the covers never get there on time, plus I'm going that way" Peyton offers kinda awkwardly, I think he might have a little crush

"O...okay" she agrees nervously

"I'll see you later pey, maybe you too Sabrina?" I ask hopefully she nods a little then walks away, well that was probably a disaster


They have met and there is a crush but is it possible Sabrina got the wrong end of the stick do you think? 😂😂 xoxo

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