Principals office

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Sabrina's POV

"So why do you have to talk to Mr. Anderson?" Peyton asked me as we walked to the principals office

"It's complicated" I say shyly, he's super hot, Chloe is so lucky her boyfriend is so cute and sweet

"I'm good at complicated" he tells me with a gruff little chuckle, I smile awkwardly, this is weird, it's almost like he's flirting with me but he's with that Chloe girl

"Thanks for helping me" I say quickly as soon as I see the door and then run off towards it

Peyton's POV

Why do all girls hate me? Okay Chloe doesn't but she's the only one, I mean did I do something wrong? Say something wrong? I give up, girls are just going to have me forever

Sabrina's POV

I knocked on the principals door and got a rather loud 'come in', I stepped inside and found him busily typing away at his keyboard, I closed the door behind me and when he finished typing he looked up, when he saw me he gave me a warm and welcoming smile, one I had little interest in returning

"Ah Miss McCartan" he gestured for me to sit down as he acknowledges the reason I'm here

"So your brother spoke to me yesterday" he starts ominously, I nod

"So you're living with him at the moment?" He enquiries, I just nod again, he frowns a little at that

"And this is your permanent living arrangement at the moment?" I nod again and his frown becomes more pronounced

"You had problems with bullying at your old school?" He asks I nod again

"Miss McCartan, you are allowed to speak, I don't bite" he jokes hoping for a smile but gets nothing

"Okay so you're receiving counselling here at the school, your brother told you he sorted that out for you?" He asks, I nod, I didn't want to, I hate talking about it, I hate thinking about it, all the things they said, what they did......what he did, I hate it, I wanted to kill myself, I tried a few times but Ryan always stopped me

"All of your teachers have been made aware of your situation and will be there to support you in anyway they can, I'm going to give you and exit card and a hall pass so you can leave your lesson if you feel you need to and you will be welcome at the counsellor's area on campus at any time" he gets out the exit card and the hall pass and hands them to me as I feel like being swallowed into the ground, I mean he's told all my teachers what happened to me, now I'm just gonna be the kid who's fucked up

"Here's you schedule and a map of the school, remember if you have any problems my door is always open, I hope you enjoy your time here" and with that he hands me the last few things I need then I turn to go but don't quite get there

"Oh yes and your locker combination, you've got locker....ah you have 316 between Chloe Hosterman and Peyton Meyer, if you have issues with either of them then just come talk to either me or the counsellor and we'll try and find somewhere better" Chloe and Peyton? As in the two kids I just met? Nah there's like a zero percent chance that it's them, that probably means it is though....well we'll have to wait and see I guess


Sabrina defo got the wrong end of the Chloe/Peyton stick whoops xoxo

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