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"Sometimes I swear Chloe is trying to ruin my life" he mutters

"What the hell!" I yell at him annoyed as I stand up to be as close to his level as I can even though he's at least half a foot taller than I am

"What?!" He tells back in confusion

"You thought I was dating Ryan?!" I attempt to keep my voice down

"Aren't you?!" He retorted

"He's my brother!" I tell him in annoyance

"What?" He asks in disbelief

So then I have to go through the whole story again and I can see his face as I he realises that he was so wrong

"I...I'm so sorry" he says gently but I don't care, I clearly didn't mean very much to him I mean how long did he wait before trying to screw Brooke?

"Whatever" I reply dismissively

"Sab...." he starts but I cut him off

"It took you just thinking that, without even knowing the truth I might add, to try and hook up with Brooke

Then he does it, he crashes his lips hard into mine, my head says no but my hearts not listening, I kiss him back and it's like magic, I feel like fireworks are going off around us, eventually we finally break apart

"B I wanted to ask you something" he starts and I try not to let my hopes rise but I can feel the butterflies in my stomach

"Will you go to prom with me?" He asks and I almost scream with excitement, I'm about to say yes when I remember, I don't do dates, I don't do dances and he just tried to have sex with another girl

"No" I force out, I can't go to prom with him after that, no, I just can't

"What? But we just kissed, I thought that meant that...." he starts but I cut him off

"No, I want it to, but I can't" I tell him even though it feels like a knife to the heart

"You can" he tries to persuade me but no, I clearly don't mean enough to him

"You were going to screw her first chance you got" I try to sound calm but I know my voice rose as I spoke

"I'm sorry" he pleas but I shake my head no

"Goodbye Peyton" I tell him and turn to leave but he grabs my arm and pulls me back towards him, we're so close I can feel his breath against my skin

"Don't go" he begs me and I surrender, I know I shouldn't, I should go, but I just....I can't say no to those beautiful brown eyes and that mesmerising smile

I look at him, straight in the eye and it happens again, we kiss, again, this time it's more though, my arms go round his neck, his hands on my sides, he deepens the kiss, pushing me back against a wall, he slides his tongue into my mouth and it starts to feel wrong, then as his hands slide down a little towards my ass I get everything come back in a flash, a flash that ruined this whole moment, I saw everything that happened last time, I made me jerk away, he was about to undo my jeans when I stopped him

"Not here" I come out with, I don't want to tell him the story, I don't want him to know

"What?" He asks confused

"We're at school" I lie although it is true I don't want to be having sex at school, not that I want to be having sex in general because I just can't after what happened

"They won't hear us" he promises me but I shake my head

"No Peyton, we haven't even decided what we are, and if we are something then it needs to be something before I let you in my pants" I lie and hope he takes it, he does willingly

"Be my girlfriend?" He asks me

"How about we try a date first" I recommend, hoping to prolong everything for pretty much forever

"Of course, how's this tonight sound?" He suggests and I nod in agreement

"What we gonna do?" I ask him

"Pizza and a movie?" He offers

"Okay, where?" I try to sound casual

"My house? My parents won't be there so it'll be just us" he tell me and I nod in agreement even though like a thousand warning bells go off in my head when I hear those words

"Alright I'll text you the address" he tells me and I smile as realistically as I can

"Can I meet your brother?" He asks me, now I like the sound of that better, I just hope yam doesn't freak about me being alone with a guy

"Umm yeah we'll see how this date goes first, he's a little overprotective after....." I stop myself realising what I was about to tell him

"After what?" He asks curiously

"Long story, maybe another time" i tel him as I open the door and go to leave

"I'll see you later then" he calls out to me as I head away as fast as I can

"Yeah" I call back without turning towards him, let's hope this goes okay


Alright I need to know your opinions for a few things that are coming up in the near future for the ships which are now starting to come into play, mature content you good for that or not? Xoxo

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