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christmas was two days away, meaning it was time to set up and get a christmas tree and things. michael was super excited, he loved christmas more than anything in the entire world, other than ashton of course.

'dada?' michael asked, following ashton around with his blanket dangling out of his hand.

ashton stopped short, the small boy banging into him. ashton smiled, turning and swooping the boy up, placing him on his hip. michael shrieked and giggled, holding onto ashton for dear life.

'dada! that scare me!' michael giggled loudly, his smile filling his face. ashton smiled at this and placed a kiss on the boys cheek.

'alright babyboy, what is it?'

'we get ch'ri'mas tree?' michael asked, his face lighting up at the thought. ashton fake pondered over it, nearly cooing as he saw the sad expression on michaels face when ashton wasnt answering right away.

'well, i suppose we could get one today. only if you go get yourself ready though' michael squealed, extricating himself from ashtons hold and running to his bedroom.

a few minutes later, michael came back out with shorts and a t-shirt on. ashtons smiled, grabbing his keys and michael and heading out the door.


'dada! careful!' michael yelped, his anxiety building as he watch ashton nearly trip over their little christmas tree. ashton chuckled, setting the tree down and dramatically wiping his brow.

'lets set this thing up'

a few minutes later, the small tree was set up, pine needles covering the floor. michael giggled as he played with the box of decorations ashton had brought out from their hall closet.

'alright bubba, can you get out all the red bulbs please' michael nodded, sitting on his knees and grabbing out the decorations that were red.

michael smiled when seeing he had successfully done what ashton had asked. he looked up at the tree which was covered in the red bulbs.

'dada its pretty!' michael squealed, loving his new tree. ashton chuckled, hanging the last bulb in the centre of the tree.

'do you think we should but other ones on or just leave it?' ashton asked, looking at michael. michael shook his head.

'pretty like this' he concluded. ashton nodded, going over to the box to get out their star.

'dada!' michael exclaimed, jumping up from his place on the floor. he looked at the star with wide eyes and made grabby hands toward it.

'you wanna put it on?' michael squealed, nodding his head super fast. ashton giggled, lifting the boy up to place it on.

as though he were crowning the princess of england, he dramatically placed the star atop the tree.

once he was put down, he stood back and smiled, his eyes wide.

'beautiful dada' he said, hugging onto ashton. ashton nodded.

'very beautiful'


super short i apologize. im just hype for the ot4 part of this story to begin.

yes, finally yall will get what you came here for. OT4 !!!! it wont be next chapter but hopefully the one after that. idk im indecisive

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