twenty - six / epilogue

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'... and that was it. soon we both figured out that if he was a daddy it would be easier for him not to slip, by him having to be responsible' ashton furrowed his eyebrows.

'what made him slip then'

'might have been the fact that someone was taking care of him again. or that he wasnt taking care of someone himself'

ashton sighed. he would have to do this. for luke. he needed this. he needed a break.

'i-i can do this' ashton said shakily, trying to convince himself more than anyone else.

'hes a good little, ash' calum reassured, seeing the scared look on ashtons face.

'i know. its a lot to take in, hun' ashton said. he ruffled calums hair, noticing the tired look on calums face.

'why dont you go back to bed, love' ashton said. calum nodded, waddling sleepily back to his room. ashton ran a hand through his hair, a loud sigh escaping his lips. he had no idea what he was doing but life was moving and so was he.


'papa,!' luke yelled, seeing ashton asleep in the bed next to him, 'wakey up!' ashton sat up, looking at luke with adoring eyes. the boy was really adorable.

'c'mon lukey, lets get some lunch before the other boys wake up' ashton said. he lifted the blonde out of the crib. he heaved, not used to the weight.

's-sorry papa' luke whispered, wiggling as he tried to be let down. ashton just held on tighter, bopping the boys nose.

'you, my love, have nothing to be sorry for. papa is just weak' luke gasped, shaking his head.

'papa sup'a strong! like superman!' luke exclaimed. ashton smiled. he walked to the kitchen, setting the boy into michaels high chair.

'i has 'nana's?' luke asked, tilting his head to the side. ashton agreed, to which luke exclaimed.

calum started crying from his room so ashton left to get him. he quickly picked the boy up and brought him into the kitchen, sitting him next to luke.

to his surprise, luke was sitting patiently. calum was right, he was a good little.

'alright, time for lunch'

after the littles had finished eating, ashton let them play while he woke up michael. the boy was sitting up in bed, sucking quietly on his dummy with tears rolling down his cheeks.

ashton cooed at the boy, walking over and lifting him up.

'baby, why didnt you ca-'

'dada no love me? dada get 'nother little?' michael said around his dummy, his lip wobbling. ashton sighed, wiping the boys eyes.

'no, no, no, love. i love you so much, a little more than the other boys. youre my little, baby' michael smiled, hugging onto ashtons neck.

ashton carried michael out into the living room, where the two littles were mumbling nonsense to each other.

'g-guys!', michael exclaimed, running over to the other two. he held his head up high, putting his hands on his hips, 'dada love me more!'

luke and calums eyes watered and they both started crying. michael panicked, quickly trying to get the boys to calm down.

's-shh it otay! mikey love you s-so so much!' michael said, kissing each boy on the cheek. they stopped crying, smiling at mikey.

'lu' you mi'ey!' luke exclaimed, kissing michaels nose. calum copied lukes actions, smiling brightly.

ashton watched, shaking his head in amusment. this was going to be fun.


my reads fell so much and my depression came to the surface again.

the sequel will be posted sometime in january, after all the holidays. so yea, see you guys later. thats for all the reads and votes and stuff!

also, while you guys wait for the sequel, i have a oneshots book im working on during christmas. id love if you guys checked that out. so yea, see yall soon!

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