Uncontrollable Desire

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Feelings always try to be concealed, but when blossomed into it's full potential and shown to its surroundings, it sprouts into a pile of unresolved issues.

These are their issues.

What could it be?

Love, hate, fear, anger?

All of the above?

You'll see...
Spinning is one way to describe how Heiwajima Shizuo is currently feeling. Other feelings are unknown to his knowledge. One minute he's chasing the flea he hates the most, to kneeling on all fours trying to catch his breath... Why? Why did he stop? Killing the flea is way more important than trying to keep up with his breathing. He can't find the answer himself, unfortunately. His heart though is pounding rapidly in his chest, going at a speed of 100 miles an hour. He scrunches a hand over his overwhelming heart, trying to get back up. The spinning ceases after a bit, that's a start. He begins to wonder if he's having a heart attack and if this is what it feels like. Beads of sweat starts to trickle down his face, trying to process what's happening all at once. His face contorts with confusion and mixed feelings of what he couldn't describe. Very light shades of pink starts to appear on his cheeks. His free hand tries to lift off the ground but fails miserably, back to the same position he was in before.

The last he saw of Izaya was dodging a lamppost, not even 5 minutes ago, and giving Shizuo a mocking grin that the beast abhors so much and wants nothing more than to crush Izaya's fragile-looking neck and strangle him until the flea turns blue like a blueberry or basically squish him like the insect Shizuo claims Izaya to be. But that objective will have to wait. All he wants to focus on now is standing up. His legs refuse to cooperate with what he's telling his brain.

'Damn it. Get up already. What the hell is wrong with me?.'

It takes some of his energy to get back up and stand properly, and eventually it works out for him, even if his legs feel like noodles. The first thing he sees as he finally keeps a steady balance is his surroundings, which consists of brick walls in an alleyway. His breathing finally seems to be in order, but the only thing the beast can't do is shake off is all these unnecessary feelings. He starts to remember that god awful grin Izaya had before the bastard decided to run off to who knows where and that turns into lust real quick. A burning passion starts pumping in his heart, feeling as if his heart would come out of his chest. The last images of Izaya got to him. Not in a very loathing way like he always felt, but new emotions that he never thought he could conjure up.

The flea. A potential lo-

Wait, whoa, whoa, whoa. What? No. Shizuo can't really lo-... Lov-... Love him? Wait... is that what he's feeling?

Oh no, Shizuo is losing his mind. He can't think straight at all. Izaya's voice begins to ring in his corrupt head, playing repeatedly.


It's very seductive. Almost like Izaya is moaning out his na-

He blushes furiously at the thought, welling up with anger, lust, and confusion.

He wants to run. Even if his legs can't move like he wants them to on his command, he just wants to run. Escape the alleyway. Leave these 'desires' behind, or at least try to anyway. He wants -- needs -- to forget these ridiculous emotions he didn't want to feel and oddly couldn't resist the tempting sensations either.

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