Chapter 1

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*Currently revising and editing the "Picture Perfect" after almost 5 YEARS! Just a heads up as you read! Thank you!

Beep, Beep, beep!

I roll over and slam the snooze button and wrap myself back into my cozy covers. I don't want to get up. I don't want to go to school. I don't want to live. Okay, that may be a little dramatic. I want to live, but maybe not this life filled with paparazzi and judgemental stares around every corner. I rather fall back asleep in my fluffy sheets and float away.

That dream is immediately crushed when a heavy weight jumps on top of me. I pull down the sheets and am met with big black eyes belonging to my dog Sutton. As a black lab, she is extremely heavy when all of her weight is on top of me. Sutton licks my face, urging me to get up.

"Okay, okay you win, Sutton," I laugh, climbing out of bed. I go over to my window and open up the curtains, letting some light in. Sutton comes over and licks my hand.

"It is beautiful. Too bad it's filled with bad people," I say mindlessly to myself. Sutton looks curiously at me but I just laugh.

"Never mind. Go downstairs girl, I'm going to take a shower." At first she doesn't, but with a little pat on her butt she leaves my room. I walk into the bathroom in my room. Once the door is closed I strip down to my naked, fat self and hop into the shower avoiding seeing my reflection in the mirror.

I didn't really start seeing myself as overweight until it was brought to my attention, and then I noticed it myself. With my dad being Mathew Robert's- the greatest actor of our time- I've had my time in the media. Make that my life. Around 13 or 14 when I started getting my "womanly figure" the media jumped on it. They would say stuff like how does it feel to finally look like a woman, and it looks like Ashley Roberts has grown a little belly. They were comments I never expected to hear and they crushed me. How could someone say something so hurtful about someone they don't even know? They really got to me and still do.

Once I'm out of the shower, I wrap a towel around myself. I walk over to the mirror and finally dare a glance. Time for the transformation. First it's make-up. I do my foundation, blush, eyeliner, eyeshadow, and lastly mascara. Second is hair which I just curl into perfect medium sized ringlets, and lightly brush them out. I open the bathroom door and walk over to my walk in closet. I slip on a purple cropped tank with white high-waisted shorts and black socks that reach my knees matching it with black converse. If you want people to think you're okay, you have to look okay. I almost forgot. I run back into the bathroom and take a laxative pill. Food is a big no-no if you want to even think about losing weight.

As I make my way downstairs I smell the sweet smell of pancakes. I pick up my other dog, Nico, as I come into the kitchen.

I used to eat four of those back when I actually ate. In the kitchen my nanny, Nina, is making pancakes. I keep telling my dad I don't need one, but until I'm 18 he says (I'm 17), I have to keep her around. But I really don't mind, she's like a mother I never had.

"Morning, Ashley," Nina says while adding another pancake to her pile.


"I made pancakes."

"I see that but I'm not hungry. And if I don't go I'll be late." I respond, stuffing a strawberry in my mouth. This isn't a lie thanks to my pills. I really can't afford this meal with the 64 calories just in the pancake not mention the syrup.

"Nonsense. When have you ever cared about being late? Sit your little butt down and eat this pancake." Nina takes a pancake and adds some fruit on it and gives it to me. I think she knows that I'm trying to lose weight. I huff as I sit down, cutting it into little pieces counting each one as I put it in my mouth. The first few bites taste good but after bite four all I can taste is the calories and fat it's going to add to my body. I wipe away a stray tear running down my cheek and quickly stuff the rest of the food into my mouth.

"Thanks. I just remembered I forgot something in my room. BRB." I dash up the stairs and close my bathroom door. At the toilet I push my fingers down my throat and purge the pancake out.

"Much better." I mutter as I wipe my mouth. I quickly brush my teeth and head back downstairs feeling relieved. At the door I grab my backpack and wave goodbye to Nina.

"Keep your head up Ashley, today's going to be a great day."


Hey, so this is my first Wattpad book and I'm really excited about it. I hope you enjoy!

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