Chapter 38

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Drew's Point of View

I weave my way through the crowded mass of people and go over to the drinks table.

"Hey man!" Tyler says coming up to me. We play on the football team together.

"Hey." I say filling the cup.

"Want to go outside to the pool? I'm pretty sure most of the girls are to drunk to know to swim with clothes."

"No, I'm hanging with someone right now."

"Okay, later." Tyler retreats with a bunch of people out of the house. I smile at my wild friend and go back to the dance floor to find Ashley. I get pushed and touched plenty of times weaving through the dancers trying to find Ashley but she's nowhere within the crowd.

Panic begins to rise in my throat, did she leave without me? Where would she go? I remember the last time we went to a dance together and Ryan had taken her away. My blood boils at the thought.

I find Quinn within the dancers and shake her shoulder making her turn to me. "Yes?" She asks with a giggle.

"Have you seen Ashley?" I yell over the music.

"Who?" She asks.

"Ashley. Your best friend."

"Oh yeah I think." My heart soars at the good news.

"Okay, so where is she?"

"I think I saw her with some guy named Drew. I think they're in love you know." She whispers holding her finger to her lips. "Don't tell her I told you." I shake my head at her drunkenness. Not only did she not know where she is, but she also thinks we're in love.

I move away from her and go to the outskirts of the dancing mob to find people making out, but no Ashley. My eyes pass over the making out couple and I smirk, that used to be me. Boy, have I changed. Suddenly a guy comes out of the mob, laughing with a girl in tow. I instantly recognize him as Ryan and march up to him and rip the girl from him but instantly know it's not Ashley.

"Ryan, did you take Ashley?" I yell. Ryan slowly registers who I'm talking about as a look of resignation crosses his face.

"No, why?" I resist the urge to strangle him and narrow my eyes.

"Don't lie to me. I'm going to ask again and if you lie I will know and I will pummel you. So, have you seen Ashley." The girl leaves noticing the change from fun Ryan to serious Ryan.

"No, I have not seen her. Why the hell would I know. She hates me and would not want to spend a second with me." He says, eyes sad but I couldn't care less. I wouldn't want Ashley with this douche anyways. "But I will help you find her." He continues.

I look at him in shock. "Why would you help me?"

He laughs and shakes his head. "It's not for you Green. It's for Ashley."

"How do I know your not the one doing the hiding right now?"

"Do you think the person who wrote the notes is the one who kidnapped her." He asks, ignoring my question.

"First I said nothing about kidnapping and second yes. I do."

"Well, lets start looking. For all we know right know shes-"

"Stop!" I shout cutting him off. The idea of death of someone I care about is something I'm all to familiar with and I don't wish it upon Ashley. "I know this house front to back since I'm over at Riker's all the time. We'll start downstairs than work our way up, got it?"

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