Chapter 26

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Checking the time on my phone one last time, I look expectantly for Drew. School ended fifteen minutes ago and Drew still hasn't shown up. Maybe I shouldn't have told him to meet me. I have worked so hard to keep this a secret and know it's about to come out. It's not like it's his business anyways. And the possibility of talking about our shared kiss could come up and I really don't want to talk about that.

I take a last look at the hallway with still no one coming and turn to leave.

"Ashley!" Turing around, I see Drew running up to me. When he reaches my side he's completely out of breath. "Sorry, I had to explain to coach why I had to leave. Took a lot of convincing."

"What did you tell him?"

"That my dog died and we were having a funeral for it." He says bluntly.

I laugh at his weak attempt at an excuse. "And he bought it?"

"Yeah. He did. Coach isn't really the smartest but I gotta love him. So um..." Remembering why we're here I feel my hands start to get sweaty.

"Right. Drew do you really need to know?" I ask in an attempt to just forget this whole thing.

"Ashley I know we aren't like close friends or anything but if your going through shit I want to help. I mean uh- not like I care for you like that... but you know- because it's the nice thing to do, yeah." His cheeks flush as he talks making him look cuteley vulnerable.

"Okay. Come with me." He follows me as I make my way across the street to the elementary playground across the road. We walk in a comfortable silence, while I try and come up with a way to tell him that hey I puke because I hate how fat I am and people think it's fun to make fun of my body. I guess I'll just have to go for it.

When we reach the park I slip off my backpack and settle into one of the swings. Drew smirks at me and sits onto the one next to me.

"So, what do you want to know?" I ask lightheartedly even though my chest feels uncomfortablely tight. I sneak a look down at my stomach and notice how it's pooling over my jeans. Scrunching my eyes I try and ignore it but it's almost impossible.

"I want to know why you were barfing your guts out today. And why you have been ignoring me." I can't help but notice his slightly hurt look but he recovers as quickly as it came.

I let out a shakey breath and avert my eyes from his and focus on the slide in front of me.

"I um well... I don't know what to say." I complain.

"If your worrying about me judging you I'm not going to." I glance at him and realize that he's right.

"Okay I do purge on purpose. I-" I suck I a breath, "Hate how fat I am. I hate people only looking at my looks and constantly judging me for it. I hate being a daughter of a famous actor because I'm always thrust into the spotlight. I hate that every boyfriend I have only dates me for the fame. I hate that for crying out loud the first thing you fucking said to me was how skinny I was. I hate looking in the mirror. I hate that no matter how hard I workout I can't seem to loose this damn weight. I hate... I hate.." By now I'm shaking with anger and my tears are running down my face. Drew jumps up from his swing and wraps me in a hug. (Which I'm sure was difficult with how hard I'm shaking.) "I hate not being good enough." I finally whimper.

"Ashley shh, you are good enough." Drew coes. For some reason that only makes me angrier and I shove him away.

"How could you even say something like that!" I accuse. "From the moment you met me you have constantly talked about my weight and how lucky I must be to be famous."

"You're right. When I did meet you I did notice your weight. But now that I know you I realize your so much more than your looks. I'm so sorry you feel this way and I get how you feel and-"

"You do not get how I feel." I growl. "You have no idea the kind of pressure I'm under."

"Yes, actually I do. You think I like playing football. Hell no. I hate it. I hate most of the dicks on the team, and I hate the pressure to play top notch in front of the scouts."

"Than quit." I snap. "At least you have a choice." He laughs bitterly making me back a step.

"The fuck I have a choice. My parents, they well let's just say it's complicated."

I roll my eyes. "That always seem to be the case."

"Yeah it does. But I just want you to know that I get how you feel whether you agree with me or not. And Ashley I know you probebly won't belive me but I think you're perfect just the way you are. You don't need to loose any weight. Those guys that dated you just for the fame are asswipes that need to get there priorities straight because their missing out." His eyes widen as he realizes what he just said. I smile shyly, my anger dissipating.

"Thanks Drew but you don't have to say those things just to make me feel better."

"I'm not!" He insists. "I think your great just the way you are." My breath catches on my throat. No one has ever said something like that to me and has ment it like Drew. I look down at my shoes to hide my blush.

"Well I think if you hate football so much than you should quit and take up photography. I think you have a gift."

"Thanks Barbie but like I said it's complicated. I don't think I'll be quiting anytime soon." I look up from my shoes and study him.

"Why not?"

"You ask alot of questions but now it's my turn."

I notice his wanting to get off at topic so I let it go. "And what's that?"

"Why'd you run off the other night after we kissed?" He smirks at me as I glare at him. I mentally curse him for making me blush.

"I uh well had to pee and I got lost in that large house you know and all of a sudden I was driving home."

"Are you sure it wasn't because I'm such a great kisser and you just couldn't handle it." I roll my eyes at his returning cockiness.

"Yes I'm sure." I dought he buys it by the laugh he emits.

"Barbie am I sensing some sextual tension." My eyes widen as he speaks.

"Aaaannnnndddd that's my que to go." He chuckles as I grab my backpack laying on the ground. I continue towards my car but I hear him catching up to me.

"You know, I don't think we're so different after all."

"I guess not." I agree.

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