Chapter 35

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"Isn't he just so cute?" Quinn asks from the front seat of her car.

"He's okay." Yasmine shrugs next to her.

"Well of coarse you wont think so but come one. That body?" Quinn gushes. "What do you think Ashley?" I snap out of my phase and look over at her.




Quinn rolls her eyes, annoyed. "Drew's friend Preston? The one I shared that beautiful kiss with? My soulmate?" Right, when we were playing spin the bottle. That's the night Drew and I kissed.

Why does everything come back to that?

"What happened to Vince?" I ask.

"Oh honey, she dumped him long ago." Yasmine says at the same time that Quinn asks, "Who?"

"Oh." I turn back to the window and watch as the looming rollercoasters of six flags, a giant amusement park, comes into view.

"We're here!" Quinn squeals. Once she pays for a parking spot we hop out of her car and go to the entrance.

"Do you see them?" Yasmine asks looking around. I shake my head and continue looking around until I see them walking over to us.

Drew smiles and waves, and I smile back shyly. I wasn't planning on taking Drew's offer to go to Six Flags with him, Riker and Preston but he insisted. So I said I wouldn't go unless I could bring Yasmine and Quinn. It's not that I didn't want to see Drew. It's that I didn't ant t see him alone.

"Look at him." Quinn whispers pointing at at Preston. My eyes land on Preston, and I have to admit, he does have a nice body. Like Drew, his arm muscles bulge from his thin shirt which happens to show off his six pack. His black hair sweeps low over his green eyes, but he sweeps it away.

"Hey!" Drew calls once they reach us.

"Hey." Yasmine responds.

"Let's go!" Preston says, oblivious to Quinn's ogling. We follow him to the front of the amusement park and purchase our wristbands.

"What ride first?" Riker asks.

"I have an idea." Quinn runs over to a booth and grabs a map of the park. Once back to us, she digs in her purse and pulls out a penny.

"What are you doing?" I ask confused.

"Hold your horses." Quinn snaps while dropping the map onto the ground and then dropping the penny onto the map.

Quinn and I bend to down and see it landed on the bumper cars.

Quinn jumps up from the ground. "The bumper cars!"

"Aww, are you sure it didn't land on a roller coaster or something?" Preston pouts.

"The map doesn't lie."

"But the penny could." He inputs nudging her with his elbow. Quinn gushes at the contact, causing Yasmine and I you share a look.

"Let's get her going than!" Riker says taking the lead with Yasmine. Quinn shimmies between Drew and Preston, leaving me behind them. I watch the people as they go by, interested in how even though I’m sure they have tons of shit going on in their lives, they manage to still be so happy.

Our group takes a sharp left leading into a tunnel, which I’m sure leads to the bumper cars. As we get deeper into the tunnel, the lights get darker. The only lights coming from bands of neon lights on the ceiling. At the end of the tunnel is a large dark pit full of glow in the dark bumper cars.

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