Chapter 15

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"That's all you guys did?" Quinn asks, excitedly.

"Yes. All we did was study." I confirm. We're sitting in the library while Quinn eats her lunch. I pull a granola bar out of my bag and take a bite.

Although I prefer not to eat anything, I'm coming dangerously close to an anorexic weight.

"I don't believe you."

"Well believe it. He just helped me study and I left. But guess who came to my house afterword."


"Drew." Quinn spits out her pasta.

"He came over after what happened on Saturday?" Quinn asks wide eyed.

"Yeah. It was weird. We acted like that never happened. But..." I trail off.

"But what?"

"I think he knows." I say nervously twisting my hair around my finger.

"Knows what?"

"I think he knows about my eating habits."


"I had to lie to Nina right in front of him and I tried to play it off like I don't like pasta but who the hell doesn't like pasta?"

"That's true. But don't worry about it. Boys are stupid, he probebly didn't catch on."

"Yeah." Just then the bell rings.

"Well, see you later Ash." Quinn comes around the table and gives me a hug.


I park my car in front of my house and go up to the front door. If I'm fast I might be able to get a workout in before Dad comes home. I open the front door and am surprised to see that all our living room furniture has been moved out of the room.

All the lights are off except for a single spotlight on a chair in the middle of the room. The back is facing me so I don't know if anyone's sitting in it.

All of a sudden eerie music starts playing and the chair slowly spins around. I let out a laugh when I see that my dad is the one sitting in the chair. He has his fingers twitching in front of him in a doctor evil kind of way.

"I have been expecting you." He says in a dark voice.

"And I, you." I play along.

"Get over here kiddo." I go across the room and embrace my dad.

"Did you set this up just for me?" I laugh.

"Obviously. What else would I have done while waiting for you?"

"That's very true."

"Go change Ashley, I'm taking you out for dinner."

"Dad it's like three in the afternoon." I counter.

"I know. Think of it as a late lunch then."

Then I remembered something.

"Hey Dad, what about your surprise?"

"Go change, Ashley. Patience is key."

I give up on stalling and run up to my room to change.

In my room I straighten my hair and apply some makeup. I slip off my school clothes and put on a sundress that is cream on the top and blue with flowers on the bottom.

 I slip off my school clothes and put on a sundress that is cream on the top and blue with flowers on the bottom

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