Chapter 33

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The entire room engulfs me in smoke. I swoosh my hand over my face so I can see somewhat of what's in these sketchy tattoo parlor.

"You know what Kora? Maybe this was a bad idea." I mutter. I can't see a thing through all the smoke. Suddenly Kora let's go of my hand, making me completely lost in this room. "Kora!" I shout.

"Over here." She shouts back. I follow the sound of her voice and land myself at what I can assume is the front table. Behind the table is an older lady with large earnings hanging from her ears. Since she's wearing a t-shirt I can see that both arms are completely covered in tattoos. Her hazel eyes bore into mine, completely making me uncomfortable and wishing I would have listened to Drew.

"Welcome!" She breathes with a strong accent, from where? I have no idea. "I'm Madame Ida. What can I do you you girls today?"

"We're here to get tattoos." Kora declares.

"But we were just leaving." I say tugging on Kora's sleeve.

"No we aren't. So Ida, can I call you that?"

"Madame. It's Madame Ida."

"Right sorry, Madame Ida what my friend here means is she's just scared of the needle. I am not though. I already know what I'm getting so let's get her going!"

"Great! Why don't you come right back here." Ida says directing Kora back. She turns to look at me. "You can wait here and I'll be right with you."

"Kora wait!" I urge in a last attempt to leave this creepy place.

"It's alright Ashley. This won't take long, I'm not getting a big one." Kora gives me an encouraging look and disappears into the smoke.

I hesitantly sink into the couch and tap my foot nervously on the floor. This was a bad idea. For all I know is Madame Ida is a murderer and is gutting Kora right now. Okay probebly not. I need to clam down. I pull out my phone and answer a text from Drew letting him know everything is fine. Totally fine.

Before I know it Kora comes out of the back looking totally extatic. I hop off the couch and rush up to her.

"So?" I urge. She smiles and juts out her wrist. On her wrist is a small tattooed flower. It's simple but cute.

"It's my mom's favorite flower

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"It's my mom's favorite flower." She explains.

"That's beautiful." I admit letting go of her wrist.

"Now it's your turn!" Kora squeals.

"No, no, no. I'm not getting a tattoo. I have no idea what I would get anyways."

"Well honey what are your interests besides singing?" Madame Ida appears behind me nearly making me pee my pants.

"How do you know I like to sing." I stamper.

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