28. White Suit and Roses

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Luffy's P.O.V.

As we arrived at the hotel and resort where the wedding is going to take place, it was 18:30. We still have half an hour to prepare for the ceremony.

I excused myself from the guys to go find Shanks.

The workers there informed me that he was in the dressing room for the weddings.

I followed the directions and went there. I knocked the door.

"If it's the bride, leave. I can't see you yet" Shanks said from inside the room and I chuckled.

I opened and stepped inside. Shanks was sitting on a chair in front of the dresser.

"Oh Luffy I'm glad you finally made it!" He said happily and stood up.

His warm smile always on his face. I walked towards him and patted him on the back.

"Congratulations man" I told him smiling.

"Thanks pal I really appreciate it" He returned the smile.

"How've you been doing lately? How is it going with Law?" He asked me.

Oh he doesn't know...

"Oh um...we're not together..." I said.

"What? Why not? Why don't I know anything?" He asked in confusion.

"Because...We didn't have much time to discuss you know...but look how things are..." I said and started explaining what has happened these last two and a half months.
"So when I found you at Doflamingo's house you weren't together?" He asked.

"No..." I answered.

Remembering all these things made me a bit upset. No it's not the day today to be upset. I have to be happy for my best friend's wedding.

"You still love him don't you?" He asked me. He knows me pretty damn well.

"Yeah" I confirmed his thought.

"You have to do something about it. I get it that you don't want to get hurt again but I'm pretty sure that he regreted for what he did" He said.

I always trust Shanks with that kind of stuff. He always has something to say and he gives the best advice.

"I guess you're right...I'll do something" I said and gave him a small smile.

The door opened, interrupting our conversation.

Mihawk came into the room, he is Shanks' older adoptive brother and he was dressed in a formal black suit with a white vest and black shirt inside. A white rose was decorating his chest pocket.

"Shanks, I think we should be going" He said. "Hello there Luffy" He greeted me as well.

Shanks told me that he is one of the best men too and he is going to walk with Makino on the aisle.

Shanks nodded and we left. I met with the others and a few women came towards us with long formal dresses and I assumed that they were the bridesmaids. Each one's dress matched with our vests and ties. We got ready to go to the hall where the ceremony would take place and I was the first to walk. The girl with the dark red dress put her arm around my elbow and we stepped into the beautiful hall that was decorated with red and white roses. Shanks was standing at the end of the aisle next to the priest holding a bouquet full of red and white roses as well. Behind me was standing Zoro with the girl with the green dress. Then Sanji followed behind with the girl with the golden dress. Sabo was behind accompanying the girl with the blue dress. Ace followed with the girl wearing the bronze dress. Lastly, Law was at the end holding the girl with the silver dress.

We all stood behind Shanks and the girls stood on the other side holding their bouquets that were matching their dresses.

All of our friends and family were gathered there, some were crying, others were smiling.

The music changed to the wedding theme and everyone's eyes turned to the entrance of the hall.

There was Mihawk holding Makino, her hand around his bicep and they started walking towards us.

She was beautiful. Her long white dress had crystals all over the strapless top and the skirt fell smoothly on her body, a tail following behind her on the floor. Her hair was a nice bun on the top of her head and two strands were falling on the sides of her face. Her veil was falling nicely behind her head and small white pearls were decorating the top. Her big dark blue eyes were shining as she watched her beloved waiting for her.

My gaze turned to Shanks who was trying so hard to keep his tears inside. Makino approached and I read his lips whispering a "You're so beautiful" at her and she smiled.

Mihawk then came and stood next to me.

Makino took her position across Shanks as he handed her the flowers.

"Excuse me mylady, could you please show me your panties?" The priest whispered but me and all the bestmen heard it and tried not to laugh. Makino's face turned red from embarrassement.

"No you perverted jackass do your job or you won't get paid" Shanks tried to keep his voice down.

"Yohoho excuse me excuse me" He said and adjusted his bow tie.

"Oi Zoro" I whispered at him.


"Isn't he the priest who gets drunk to make a ceremony?" I asked.

"Yeah his name is Brook if I am correct" Zoro informed me.

"Does Shanks know?" I asked.

"I don't think so..." Zoro said.

Poor Shanks...

I turned my gaze back at the afro hair priest. He looks so damn drunk...

"Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today to celebrate the love of Shanks and Makino." He started.

"Shanks you may speak your vows" The priest said. As Shanks said the words from his heart, almost everyone cried. Makino was about to sob actually...

After they finished with their vows, all the people started 'awwwing' and everyone had a tissue in their hands.

"Repeat after me" Brook said and they both did as he told. After they did this he asked for the rings.

"May I have the rings please?" He said and Mihawk handed him the small fancy pillow with the two golden rings on it.

They exchanged their rings speaking the words that Brook told them.

"Now you may kiss the bride" Brook said and Shanks lost no time to attack Makino's mouth.

"Shanks don't hurry that much the main suite is waiting for you after the party" I heard my dad saying from the chair that he was sitting. Everyone laughed and Shanks cringed playfully at the room.

They grabbed each others hands and walked out of the room as everyone clapped.

We all followed behind them and eveyone except for the couple moved to the big venue of the hotel where the wedding party is going to take place...

Yohohoho don't forget to vote
Or else I'll steal your panties!
Me: Brook, leave.
Brook: But...panties?
Me: I'll give you my grandma's they smell nice

Am I funny?  :D
No? ._.
Ok..........I'll shut up...

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