69. Under You

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1 more chapter left...:'(

But enjoy this one because it's the last dirty one ;)

· · ·A few days later· · ·

Sanji's P.O.V.

"Yeah yeah that sounds ok" I heard a voice from the kitchen as I climbed down the stairs. It's Zoro. What is he up to?

"For tonight at about midnight" He continued. He was talking on the phone. Not that I was sneak peaking but anyway.

"Ok thank you, we'll be there" He said and a beeping sound signaled that the call ended.

"Damn you can be a gentleman too if you want you little bastard" I heard Ace's voice. He was there too? Well I guess he should have shut his mouth during the phone call.

I decided to walk in there. The two of them seemed to be distracted when they saw me. Well, Ace was acting kinda cool cause he just continued eating his Reese's cup.

"Hey guys what's up?" I normally greeted and Zoro smiled as I walked towards him.

"How long have you been taking a bath?" Zoro asked me, wrapping his arm around my waist as I stepped beside him. He was seated on his chair.

"You know I love long baths. They're relaxing me" I stated and he kept that warm smile on his face.

"Oi Sanji...do you know what day it is?" Ace asked me.

"Um...it's Sunday" I simply answered.

"Aaaaand do you know what that means?" He asked excitedly.

"You're throwing a party tonight?" I asked.

"YAAS POPPY!" He screamed and me and Zoro instantly laughed.
(madhatter_85 I couldn't help it)

"Finally after all these weeks" I said.

"I know right! We're almost broke. And it's also too quiet in here" Ace commented the habitat he's living into.

"How about we keep it quiet?" Law suddenly walked into the kitchen with a cup of coffee in his hands. It's still morning so...

"Don't be a party pooper Law" Zoro said.

"Well I don't really mind this time. It's Penguin's birthday today and he invited me and Luffy to go for drinks" Law informed us.

"Who's Penguin?" Everyone asked in unison.

"Just an old pal of mine. Childhood friend" He said and we all made that 'oooohh' sound to give him the signal that we understood.

"Oh I almost forgot. Sanji I'm taking you out tonight. Dress nicely" Zoro told me.

"Ooh where to?" I asked smirking.

"It's a surprise" He winked at me.

Well...I kinda ruined his surprise because I already heard him on the call but still I don't know what he's planning.

"So you lil fuckers are gonna leave me and Sabo handle all the mess? You're terrible" Ace complained.

"Oh come on it won't be that difficult for you. Just get drunk and then you're fine. Oh and lock our bedrooms first" Zoro said.

"Don't bother Zoro, he'll definitely forget. Just lock your bedrooms before you leave, that's what I'll personally do" Law said and he's right.

"You guys are really terrible..." Ace sighed.

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