53. What The Hell

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Aaand Happy actual Birthday to our beloved, sexy moss head, Roronoaaaa!
Law's P.O.V.

Sabo just left without saying anything. He looked pretty pissed for a moment and I wonder why.

"What's wrong with him?" Luffy asked, speaking my thoughts.

"I wish I knew..." I plainly answered.

I decided to forget about it for now, so I just shrugged. He'll tell us for sure when he comes home.

For now, my attention is focused on Luffy who is apparently grabbing his stomach with one hand and his head with the latter.

Ugh that's what you get if you gulp down a whole glass of vodka.

But no, I must be by his side until the side effects will fade.

He closed his eyes shut. It was clear that the alcohol was irritating his body.

"Hey, let's go sit so you can relax a bit" I said and grabbed his hand.

There were some weirdos making out on the couch and I rolled my eyes.

"Room! You assholes can't you see that he's in pain?" I yelled and fear overtook their bodies when they saw me glaring daggers at them.

After they left, I wiped the couch seat for him and he sat there. I sat down next to him and he laid onto my chest.

He's really not ok...isn't it a bit too much?

I mean, yes, his body is not used to alcohol yet he is supposed to feel dizzy. Also drinking a glass of vodka like that is like drinking a glass of rubbing alcohol.

"Traffy...It's really hurting me..." He said and his grip on my shirt tightened.

"Don't worry babe...I'm here" I tried to support him.

"Can you bring me more water?" He asked.

"You shouldn't drink more water or else the alcohol will increase in your brain by the reaction of rubbing alcohol with oxygen" I told him.

"What? So that means no?" He asked. Well, I didn't really expect him to understand that.

"Yes...it means no..." I sighed and ignored that statement. I had my arms wrapped around him and rubbed his small back.

I should probably get him to my bedroom. It's better if he lies on a bed. My room is the only one that's locked after all.

"Hey, let's get you upstairs" I said but he didn't respond.

Infact, he didn't move at all...

"Hey, Lu-" I managed to say but his grip on me loosened and he fell on my chest.

It didn't take long for him to pass out on me and worry overflowed from me.

What the hell is going on? Vodka contains 40% alcohol and Luffy has drunk worse.

Something is wrong...

"Luffy...Luffy wake up!" I tried but it was no use.

The fact that people were dancing and having fun around us was pissing me off. I have to cancel that fucking party.

I grabbed Luffy bridal style and led him upstairs. I'm well aware that he doesn't like it when I hold him like that but now we both don't have a choice.

After I achieved to arrive to my bedroom, I laid him on the bed and after I kissed his forehead, I rushed to find Zoro and Sanji who apparently don't have a clue about what's going on.

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