Chapter 8

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Laila's POV:

                I felt a bit guilty when Draco walked away angrily, but he deserved it!  He was the one who didn't want to be my friend or to be with me. I mean it's not like we could've been together or anything. Theo is way more understanding than Draco. I was broken from my thoughts by Theo asking me "So when do you want to go out with me?" He asked look happy as ever. " about tomorrow at.....6:00 o'clock sharp?"

               "Perfect! I'll pick the place." He said smiling widely.

The Next Day~

             Today's Theo and I's date. I decide to go with a strapless burgundy dress with black pumps and added a bit of Mascara and eyeliner. I then put light curls on the ends. As I finished Pansy then walked in the room and looked at me with wide eyes. "You look stunning!" She said with amazement in her eyes. "What's the occasion?" She said sitting on foot of the bed.

               "I'm going on a date." "With who if you don't mind me asking." Asked Pansy facing me. "Theo Alazar." She then gasped at the name. "What's the matter?" "He is a player Laila! He doesn't stick to just one girl. He probably joined a bet to see who can date you or worse!" Said Pansy looking at me seriously. "I don't believe that he would do that to me." I the started to walk to the door until a hand rested on my shoulder.

"Laila.....all I ask of you is to be careful." Said Pansy removing her hand from my shoulder. "I'll be fine Pansy." Then walk down into the common room to find Draco sitting on the couch eating an apple. His widened to the size of golfballs when he saw me. "Where are you heading dressed like that?" Asked Draco with the famous Malfoy smirk plastered on his face. "It's none of your bloody business." I said in a cold voice. As I walk out of the portrait hole to hear Draco yell "Wait....Laila!"

Turn around to see Draco catching up to me. "What do you want I have to go somewhere?" "Look, i'm sorry for stopping us from being friends. I'm just no good for you. Also your brother doesn't want me anywhere near you. And I realize now of how much I hurt you." Say Draco with sad eyes. "Well maybe you should have said that before you started to ignore me!" I said still holding onto my anger as I walk to the school entrance leaving a sad Draco behind.

I walked to the entrance to find Theo sitting on the front steps. As I walked up to him his jaw had dropped to the floor. I could feel the heat in my cheeks rising as I got closer to him. "You look stunning!" Said Theo checking me out. "Where are we going?" "We're going to a restaurant in Hogsmeade." Said Theo lending his arm out for me to link onto. I grabbed onto his arm as we were walking our way to Hogsmeade.

Time skip to Hogsmeade~

Theo's POV:
"I'll be right back I just have to go to the restroom real quick." Said Laila when we entered the restaurant. I then nodded as she then walked into the ladies restroom. I then took out the potion that Danny gave me and read the instructions "Put in two drops of potion into drink, DO NOT PUT MORE THEN TWO DROPS. " read the potion. I felt guilt build up inside of me as I looked at the bottle which read "Love Potion."

Flashback to day when Laila came~

"Hey Theo!" Said my friend excitedly. "What's up Phil?" "I was just explaining to the guys about a bet I'm doing." He said patting the empty seat next to him. "Alright and what type of bet is this exactly." I said sitting next to Phil with my eyebrow raised. "I'm betting 50 galleons to anyone who believes that Blaise will try to get Potter's twin to go on a date with him." He said looking over at Blaise who was talking with Draco and Potter's hot twin sister. She looked dropped dead gorgeous, I can't believe she's actually potter's twin. "Well I'm betting 80 galleons that Theo can date her and get her into bed." Said Danny , one of Theo's friends. The entire group looked shocked but ooed at the challenge. "Challenge accepted!" His friends roared with joy when he accepted the bet.

End of flashback~

           I quickly stuffed the potion  back into pocket when he saw Layla coming. "Hey...our table's finally ready but I decided that I would wait for you." "Aww your too sweet."  She said caressing his face.  The then started walking to their table. Little did Theo know that someone saw him and found out everything.

End of chapter~

Hello my fellow wizards, muggles, or No maj's! I am so sorry for not updating in a while. I promise I'll try to update more. Also Happy New Year everyone I hope you all had a good year.

- Lovely Slytherin💚🐍

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