|9| -Saved-

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I heard Lori shouted my name weakly, asking for help. Her voice that I heard against the door was trembled with fear, it cracked as she said the word help. It stopped me from punching Holter and I draw my attention to her door, but before I stood up, I gave Holter a forceful punch. It made his nose bleed even more and it actually plastered a huge grin on my face. He deserves that anyways, on the contrary, even more! I can honestly trigger his life by now but I still have my own dignity and respect. I won't put my family's name on dirt.

I stood up and knocked the cubicle's door, "L-lori? Are you okay?"

God damn Harry she's not okay! How can you ask her that? Stupid weakness of mine. I hate seeing girls crying and being mistreated by the others. I know I always go out with women, sometimes I even make out with them but I'll never do this to them. To the girls I make out with, they all insisted, they were the ones who started the move and not me. And Lorraine doesn't even deserve this. She's a different girl, can't Holter just see that? I know she humiliated him when she saved me, but he didn't have to do this.

Though the words saved me feels awkward but she did helped me. She saved me and now it's my turn to give the favor back.

She didn't answer. All I heard was sobbing and sniffing. I leaned my head and palm to the door and tried calling her name again. "I-I'm c-cold" is the only thing she replied to me. I looked back to the lads who are now stopped by the other Cadets. I walked towards Holter with furrowed eyebrows. I know he did it. I know he took her clothes on purpose. I know he wants to take advantage of Lorraine's weakness.

When I reached Holter's place I grabbed him by his shirt and I lifted him up, "Did you take her clothes?!" I asked with gritted teeth. He spat a blood out on the ground then grinned back at me. I was about to aim a punch when Cadet Schroyer stopped me. I just glared back to Holter and walked back to Lori's cubicle. I unbutton my uniform and slip it out of my arms, leaving me on my tank top. I reached out my arm over her cubicle, offering my uniform to her. At least she have something that will cover her body once we go back to our room.

"W-what's this?" she asked. Her voice still trembled in fear and I can't think of any solution that could help her.

"Wear it, tell me if you're done." I replied back, rubbing my arms to make heat. After a few minutes, she said she's done. "Can I come in?" I asked again but she didn't responded.

What was I thinking? Of course she'll say no. After what just happened to her, I'm sure there will be some sort of trauma that will creep into her mind. But I proved myself wrong, she opened her door and I saw Lorraine, I saw her eyes blood shot and wet from crying. Her bags underneath her eyes are so blatant. Seeing her like this makes me weak. It's not because that I feel love, but it's about care. She's a girl and I just can't stand seeing them like this. With no hesitation I pulled her close to me and I hugged her. Her hands snaked to my back as she snuggled her head to my chest. I leaned my chin on top of her head as I tried calming her down.

"Thank you Harry...Thank you..." she said repeatedly, still crying and I can feel her tears streaming down her cheeks.

I rubbed her back in circles to ease the stress she's feeling. "You don't have to." I saw Louis looking at me, but with a thank you look. I smiled back at him and he just nodded.

I cupped Lori's face and she looked at me still crying. It makes my heart shiver in anger that any second I can kill everyone inside the cubicle. "I'll bring you to our room", I said while looking at her. She bit her lips and looked back, she saw Holter and she looked back at me again. She seems like she's asking me to stay by her side and to never leave her. I held her hand and squeezed it, more like a response to her. I pulled her out of the public shower and accompanied her back to our room.

Army Love (Still Editing)Where stories live. Discover now