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"Major Styles!" cooed Schroyer when he spotted me hanging my arms around Lori. I didn't have the chance to put them away because that would mean that I was doing it with malice. I could completely just pretend that it doesn't really mean anything. You know, bro hugs?

But this Cadet Schroyer guy doesn't really take the ranking of officials in here seriously especially me and Niall. That's why he talks to me like this:"I bet you want to end up like your bestfriend Horan too?" You see? Me and Niall again.

I feel like relieving the distress in me politely for him. I am still a Major, he is just a cadet, yet we should always respect each other halfways."Well, atleast I have someone. Unlike you, you lonely man," I said enough for him to hear and enough for Lori not to understand. She can't know Niall's past issue because she might tell it to Sammy, and Sammy may use it against Niall to hide her feelings for him. And yes, I am serious when I told Lori that I feel that Sammy has feelings for my big guy.

But hell I have put myself in jeopardy. Now Schroyer will tell the General that I have a relationship with Cadette Tomlinson. He always tell those stuffs. He was the one who told about Niall and Carin as well. And I think that he's just jealous because no one likes him despite of his efforts and etc. Plus Luke? God knoes how much of a brat he is. I know it's too girly for the term, but yes he is.

But that's also what it took for him to stop...for now. He called his group to go and we watched him sway those gay hips of him away. I glimpsed at Lori and her face was drawing a more confused reaction than everyone when Sammy walked off during the firing activity. She took quick glances at me and Schroyer, then asked "What does he mean by 'end up like Horan'? Where did Major Cadet Horan ended?"

"It's too confidential to tell," I sighed, removing my arms around her. She then nodded, forking another broccolli to eat.

The conversation seemed to end there and that gave us awkward moments. I want us to talk again since we still got lots of time and I don't have anything else to do except to wander around or hang out with Niall who is unfortunately having his time out from all the drama he had today.

I was thinking of something to compliment about Lori since I want to keep the conversation alive. Well complimenting a girl would be great according to those quote accounts I have encountered once on twitter. So I stared at her, my eyes looking past over my shoulders, what is there to compliment about her?

The eyes? No, not just the eyes. She might think I'm gay because she has those dark lashes and really good brows. Her nose? Or nah, who would compliment someone with just the nose? Okay the lips... though it's a little bit of chapped from all the heat under the sun it's still looks pre-

"You have something to say, Major?" she asked, snapping me awkwardly out of my daydream. I don't know what to say, I didn't see that coming. I tried to calm myself so I would come out cool and not stuttering, "No, I don't have actually."

"My dad would have already pointed a shotgun on your head if he caught you staring," she chuckled, shaking her head. I started to feel my whole body become stiff and awkward, also a bit of anxiety, beads of moisture excreting out the openings of my sweat glands in addition.

"Your dad..." I started off softly.

"-you're really close with him, yeah?"

She smiled, reminiscing maybe."My dad's my best pal," she said it like it is meant to correct me before sighing happily so a smile was forming on her lips.

"He taught me and my brother everything he thinks we should learn from this camp through him," maybe that's why she did an impressive performance at today's activity. Her dad must've taught her these in advance.

Army Love (Still Editing)Where stories live. Discover now