|10| -Guns-

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Wow we've been in this camp for almost two weeks now and we only have a few weeks left. There are a lot of Cadets who quitted and some were forced to quit. Just like what happened last week where Holter was kicked off because of what he did. That was unbelievable because he even asked boys to beat me up, a girl like me. My boyish side is no excuse because my strength versus their strength is nothing. But Holter didn't accept that as an excuse. Sometimes it makes me think that he has a mental problem. Though Cadet Schroyer told me that he's from a family who leads a frat, but if he still thinks like a real man or person, he wouldn't do that to me and to Lori.

Anyways, today we're going to learn how to shoot and this is one of the things I want to learn so bad and I honestly can't wait to be in the range. Just imagine, standing in that specific distance, staring at that can or maybe the aim, holding the gun and staring at your goal with one eye, then pressing the trigger as it makes a loud banging sound. Oh god I can't wait! Imagining it makes me more excited. But now, all I have to do is eat a lot to store lots of energy. That's food you know and food is like my spinach if I was Popeye.

"You look dumb Sammy, stop smiling." Louis said while we were on our way back to our table.

I sat onto the long wood bench and placed my tray of food on top of the table. I sighed and looked at Louis again, "Tell me, if you're about to reach your dream that you've been longing to achieve, aren't you gonna be glad?"

He stared at me blankly after asking him. Well that made him shut. I smirked and I just focused with my lunch. It's going to be a long day so I have to munch a lot. I started eating carbonara as I took a bite to the fish fillet I have. I gulped them after chewing and took another bite, but this one's bigger. While eating, I felt someone was looking at me from afar and when I looked in front, I saw Cadet Schroyer staring at me. I stopped chewing my food and raised a brow at him. He noticed that I was glaring at him so he went back on eating. Ew. What was that? Weird.

"You know, I understand you now." Louis suddenly spoke up that made me startle. I choke on my food and he just panicked. I tried searching for water but my bad, I didn't get any water. I grabbed my seatmate's water with no excuse and gulped it. Ahh that was a close one, I thought I'm gonna die.

I looked back at Louis again and said, "Be thankful his water saved me or else, I've killed you too!"

"But you did almost kill me. I almost died in panick." He replied while massaging his temples.

"-are you ok now?" He then added. I just nodded to his question and finish my dish even though I don't want to eat anymore. I don't want to waste food because this is the greatest gift God has ever made.

I stood up and I walk close to the trash bin. I throw the left over which is few and I placed the plate and tray at the table beside the bin. I went out of the dining hall and I don't know where I'm going to head. Maybe I'll just give myself a good nap. Yup a nap will do.


"Sammy wake up!" I heard someone mumbled but nah I'm in paradise.

That annoying human being suddenly pulled my duvet up and shouted, "WAKE UP OR YOU'LL MISS THE ACTIVITY!"

The voice was familiar and it comes from Zayn. I stood up and replied, "Chill babe, I got this." Then I gave him a wink. His eyes twitched and I snap him out of his inappropriate daydream. He just mouthed an "ow" and he went outside immediately. I pulled my camouflage uniform that was hanging at the chair and I wore it to my body. I buttoned it starting from the bottom till the last button. I tied up my hair in a messy bun and I wore my dark green cap that was given to us with the uniforms.

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