|15| -I'm Worried-

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»Niall Horan

   A night has passed so I think maybe Cadette Payne is okay already, right? But to my unastonishing surprise, she's still not in condition. I saw her earlier while she's walking back to her room from the public shower since it's bath time and her room doesn't have installed comfort room. Installations of those are only done to those rooms of the generals, majors, and other higher ranks. Which is one of the reason why I love being a Major Cadet. No need to fall in line, no need to hassle.

   I tried to approach her but she avoided having her way back close to me. She even tried to call a Cadet even though it's pretty obvious that she has nothing to tell. So instead of trying to talk to her and ask why she walked out, I just watched her move awkwardly from place to place. It's keeping me wonder, why in the world is she outside if she wanted to avoid me? And the fact that in every move she makes, she looks back at me and her face will start making a horrified look, like i'm a freakin' ghost. It's quite cute although I don't want to scare her more. Gosh that 'scare' is quite inappropriate though.

   Some Cadets saluted at me but I just shooed them away. I'm still feeling a bit drowsy to salute back and i'm watching a good movie—Cadette Payne. While following her with my eyes' attention hung up on her, I suddenly saw Harry's image at her left side. He looked quite bothered and knotty with things. I tried to set aside my 'mini-show' and made my way to Harry.

   "Man, you okay?" I asked but it wasn't answered. Harry remained appeased while staring at something that I can't figure out what it is. It made me ponder so I also looked at the direction he's looking at. Well, it's grassy and full of trees, just like the usual forest. I looked at him again and at his target and him again and at his target. "Gosh, what's with that tree?"

   Still, Harry remained blank. "CADETTE TOMLINSON!!!" I shouted clamorously, good enough to wake the inner Harry. But I wasn't expecting his reaction to what I did. His face was full of apprehension and he looked like he was awake all night. Maybe it was because of the intruder alert last night, but he cannot stay awake or be bothered because of that. I know there's something else that's keeping him in  a huge distress.

   "You okay?" I queried.

   He faced me with a grumpy forehead and replied, "What was that for?!"

   "What's with that face?"

   "What face?"

   "The cannot-be-drawn face of yours." I explained while acting like an artist. He's honestly acting a bit like a retard lunatic, so out of his mind and i'm worried. We have an activity later and I don't want that Schroyer to take over him if he remained being like that.

   "This too hot and too good looking face of mine that even an artist can't paint because of it's perfection?" Harry replied with confidence. Didn't thought it will wake him up that fast.

   We both laughed to what he just reprimanded. It even captured some Cadet's attention, same as Cadette Payne's attention who is having an agenda with Cadette Tomlinson. She even glared at us like she was our topic and she was being harassed. I just chuckled my last piece of laughter to inform her that she was not even an inch close to be our laughing business.

   And praise my so charming humour for bringing my lad's back to his usual self because seeing him act differently really bothers me. It feels like I've been faced to a whole different Harry. He never thought of something that deep and if he does, expect that he has a big problem. Which made me want to ask again, "Seriously, why were you bothered?"

   His frame adjusted to my unexpected question, well I did that in purpose. I wanted to know his problem because maybe I could help. And he has helped me through a lot. It may sound as gay shit as it is, but he's my best pal. He never left me behind all my downs and this is like my manly pay back. Because men like us don't usually have the serious type of palaver but when we do, it's more serious compared to a business meeting.

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