|17|-First Aid-

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»Niall Horan

   Sammy challenged me in a rock, paper, scissors game. How mature of her. That girl thought I'm gonna lose aye? If she only knew, I was the best player of that in high school. Every time we have activities and whoever gets first to do the game, our group was always the second one because I always win the rock, paper, scissors game.

   The difference of this game is the horrifying dares that my Cadets will command. I felt quite uneasy because I'm the platoon leader yet I will follow their commands. So, I really should win this. I don't want to end up kissing her for five seconds neither bathing for two days with ice on my water. Because kissing her was my consequence if ever I lose. And if I don't want to kiss her, bathing in ice water would be the last thing left for me, which is not a good one as well.

   Plus, I'm sure Samantha don't want to lose either or else she'll date me on our Liberty Night and if that happens, I will totally lose my freedom for that day. I won't get the chance to meet other girls and atleast find the girl of my dreams. Well done Horan for ruining your supposedly happy future, well done.

   "Major, what are you waiting for? Don't just stand there! Play with her!" One of my Cadets suddenly pushed me and good thing I gained my balance back or else I would have tripped on top of Sammy.

   And the game started. We were really surrounded by my Cadets and I'm sure Harry is wondering already. I just hope this will not reach the General because if it did, I'll be killed. Besides, me and my platoon had a troth that what is talked about within our platoon, stays in there, and whoever will spill it out will be no longer a part of this platoon.

   The last time we kicked a Cadet out was three years ago. That was the time when me and Carin are still together. My platoon knows our story and how everything began. All of them actually helped me to get closer to her, but little did I know there is someone who's been telling the General everything. I don't know why he did that but the poor Cadet got nothing in the end. And he just got himself in trouble. All of us kicked him out and made a petition to the General.

   Although the biggest consequence to it was they banned having girls in the Camp for the next two years. They only accepted women this year and sadly all of our women attendees have already registered to the other Summer Camp. The only girls we have that are registered are Cadette Payne and Tomlinson.

   "A date it is!" Our game's adjudicator said and Cadet Payne just stared at me with her eyes and mouth wide open.

    Samantha then did an akimbo and said, "Woah... Can someone tell me that I didn't accept the consequence? Because I'd rather bathe on ice than date this person."

   That got me offended. If she knew I was a campus hottie, she'd drool until her chins. And does she think that I also want to date her?

   "May I remind you that I don't like to date you as well. No one does." I said plainly and left the group. Probably the seminar will start now because I could see the Commanders prepare the circle with logs for the chairs and bandages for the practice during the seminar.

   "Excuse me? How sure are you that no one does want to date me?!" Samantha then argued while walking along with me grumpily.

   I paused walking and faced her with crossed arms, "With that look and posture? You even look sturdier than me." Then I started walking again, away from her. I don't want to mess up later because us Majors aren't excuse to the activity.

   "Well then just go! One day you'll regret you said that! You'll see!" she kept on babbling but I can't really hear her that much.

»Samantha Payne

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