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❛  𝐒𝐩𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐁𝐞𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐧 ❜


Sounds of swords clanging and clashing could be heard in the background with a fair amount of grunting and yelling as Barbara approached the group. Opposed to her normal attire of simple long dresses, Barbara was wearing loose brown trousers,  a simple peasant's white shirt complete with chest armor and gauntlets and her hair was braided and pinned up to keep out of her face. Despite her masculine clothes she still had a very feminine aura about her.

"Barbara!" Dick grinned as he saw her. "I was wondering where you were." He greeted.

"Everyone!" Dick turned and announced to the knights and knights-in-training. "This is Barbara. She'll be helping out with training and teaching you all some moves and techniques."

There was some murmuring amongst the armour-clad crowd. "A woman?" A brown haired knight raised his eyebrow critically.

"Is there a problem with that, Sir Leon?" A voice asked from the back. "Are you too proud to learn from a woman? Or are you too proud to be beaten by one?" The voice stepped forward and ran a hand through his bright red hair.

"Babs! Long time no see!" The man grinned cheerfully.

Barbara laughed. "A long time indeed, Wally. It's good to see you."

The two redheads had been friends since they were children, both having been best friends with Dick and so consequently the three of them were all together. While both of them had red hair and green eyes, Wally had bright, flaming red hair and more natural, calming green eyes. And on the other hand, Barbara had a more subdued red but her eyes were a more mysterious and knowing green.

"Well, if no one has any serious problems, let get back to work shall we?" Dick smiled but his eyes had a slight warning look daring the other knights to say anything.

The Knights shrugged and they all went back to what they were doing previously. Barbara made rounds giving out helpful tips and pointers and showing them how to correctly disarm an opponent while maintaining footing.

One young knight-in-training stood out to Barbara. The boy seemed smaller than the rest with golden blonde hair and big, honest blue eyes. He was swinging his sword, one which Barbara thought was too big for him, and whacking at a straw dummy.

Barbara approached the boy and handed him her sword, which was a bit lighter and far better suited for a petite or small person. "This should work better for you," Barbara smiled warmly at the boy.

The boy turned and looked at her with widened blue eyes. "Oh, wow! You're Lady Barbara Gordon!" The boy gasped awe-struck.

Barbara raised an eyebrow with a hesitant smile. "You know me?"

"Who doesn't? Best friend to our Prince, God-Daughter to our king, and the daughter of our Minister of Justice. Plus you happen to be a total connoisseur with a sword." The boy grinned.

Barbara laughed at his speech and held out her hand. "Well, it's not fair that you know my name and I do not know yours."

"Oh! Right!" The blonde smacked his forehead. "The name's Stephan. Sir Stephan Brown. I'm a squire. Prince Dick's new squire in fact." He said very proudly.

Barbara was about to congratulate the boy on his new important post before stopping for a moment. "Brown?" Barbara asked. "Any relation to-"

"Yes and no." Stephan spat venomously, his entire cheerful personality disappearing at the mention of the name. "He used to be my father. But not anymore."

Barbara sensed that it was a very sore subject for the boy and she dropped it. "So are you going to the banquet being held tonight?" she conversed as the two began sparring together.

Stephan reverted back to his old happy self quickly. "The one being held for the League of Justice?" He asked.

The League of Justice was a group of Kings and Queens dedicating to bringing peace to all the lands and uniting forces against common enemies such as Lord Luthor, Countess Barbara Minerva (Better known as Lady Cheetah), princethe late King Joker and so forth.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world," Stephan smiled. "Although it's odd that King Bruce would invite them to Gotham considering he hates foreign Kings and Queens in his kingdom."

Barbara shrugged. "It's not an everyday occurrence that's for sure. But Dick is pretty happy since the Kings and Queens are bringing their heirs with them and Dick is good friends with them all."

"Weren't they all in the Titan's division together?"

"Mmhmm. That's them."

"Huh. One more question. Do you really call Prince Richard...Dick?

The two stopped sparring and stared at each other. Then broke down laughing. "Alright, everyone! We're done for today!" The mentPrincecalled out.

Barbara waved as she parted ways with Stephan. "I'll see you tonight, Stephan!" She called over her shoulder and she left the field.

*        *       *

[Found this gorgeous image of King Bruce the Just

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[Found this gorgeous image of King Bruce the Just.]

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