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❛ 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐨𝐟 𝐂𝐚𝐢𝐧 ❜


"Presenting, King Barry of the Kingdom of Allen!" The announcer introduced the latest and last guest to arrive. Prince Dick leaned over and whispered to his companions, "For a King known for his speed in war, he sure is slow while not in battle."

Sir Roy Harper snickered and Sir Wally West, who was eating nearly all of the appetizers, choked in laughter, not bothering to defend his uncle.

The banquet they were currently at was being held for the League of Justice, An alliance between certain Kings and Queens of Kingdoms that all worked together for peace and justice, and the fact that they were celebrating fifteen years of successfully working together.

"There you three are," A voice said from behind them. The boys turned around to see a smiling Princess Donna and Former Princess Koriander. "We were looking for you." Princess Donna grinned.

"It is good to see you all once again!" Princess Koriand'r greeted cheerfully.

"Wow! The entire Titans Division is here." Roy said, surprised. "Well...Except for Raven and Gar anyways."

"Oh, no. They're here alright." Donna smirked. "They're in the garden."

The Titans were silent for a moment and then burst out laughing, knowing perfectly well what was going on. Wally turned his head to look at Prince Dick, who had suddenly grown silent and turning a bit pink.

"Uhhh...Dick? You alright?" He asked.

The other Titans slowly stopped laughing. Dick was a bright red now and his blue eyes seemed to have an awe-struck sparkle in them. The Titans all simultaneously turned their heads to where Dick was looking.

Lady Barbara Gordon had just entered the hall, wearing a stunning, sleeveless, emerald green gown, which brought out her eyes, and her copper colored hair was loose and flowing, which was a change from her usual braided up hairstyle. To finish, her hair and dress were decorated with white roses.

"So beautiful," Koriand'r gasped, clasping her hands together in a perfect picture of awe. Roy and Wally were gaping, furiously trying to find the fierce and scarily tough girl they play fought with as kids in this now elegant and beautiful lady and Donna, well, Donna was smirking at the situation in whole.

"Oh, hello everyone," Barbara greeted, just seeing them. "Wow, you all are together! It's been a really long time since the Titans were all together. Er...I don't see Lady Raven or Sir Garfield though..." The redhead trailed off.

"Don't ask." Wally scoffed, and Roy snorted.

Barbara raised an eyebrow at the bright red Prince. "Is he alright?" Barbara asked concerned.

"He shall be fine, friend Barbara." Koriand'r smiled knowingly. "He is simply in a state of shock, that is all."

The sound of a spoon hitting a glass made them all look back towards the high table, where the Kings and Queen were seated. King Bruce was standing in the center with a wine glass ahand. "I'd like to thank you all for coming," He spoke. "As you all know, we are celebrating fifteen years of union between the kingdoms that comprise of the League of Justice. So, in honor of such a momentous occasion, I'd like to propose a toast to many more years of successful collaboration between our respective countries."

Just as Bruce sat back down, a dagger flew and pierced the wall right above his head.

Prince Dick stood up, snapping out of his stupor and unsheathed his sword. Beside King Bruce, the other Kings and Queens stood up abruptly as well. Barbara looked up at King Bruce to find his face dark and eyes narrowed.

The Oracle Of Gotham / Barbara GordonWhere stories live. Discover now