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4 girls are in for an adventure, yet do they

 know what carless mistakes can do? How will it effect their lives, or will it effect their minds more? When bad things happen will they be able to over come them like they have so many times before. Will Axel pull the last straw. READ TO FIND OUT, love Zoe, Alanie, Katie, and Autumn

Zoe: 33yrs old

4 kids/Dollie Marrie,Grace Anna,Blake Ricky,Loe Blee Tomlinson/

married to Louis

traits- tomboyish ,virtoso, seductive, immiture at times, romance fails, insecure, and stern


Alanie: 34yrs old

2 kids/ Deileigh Reianne Sheeran and Axel Xander Styles/

married to Harold

Traits- insecure, hopeless romantic, family oriented, immature, writer


Katie: 32yrs old

2 kids/ Georgia rose and Javvad Jacob Malik/

married to Malik

traits- immature,a bit crazy, anime obsessed,sexy attitude, 8/12 emo


Autumn: 34yrs old

2 kids/Jane Alexa, Kyelec Dennis Biersack/67

married to Andy Biersack

traits- insecure, emo, bvb army, tomboyish, artist, bipolar



Dollie Marie: I am Dollie M. Tommo! My daddy is British and my mom is American. I took after my mother when it comes to accents as well as my looks. I got immaturity from my father and sometimes I slip accents like maybe:

"Blake get your bloody underwear off the ceiling!"

Oh, good times. Anyways, I would say I've had a typical life, aside from my father being The LOUIS TOMLINSON of One Direction, but that ended. I have a BF named Sy, who I lurve dearly! Mom approves of him, but dad...



Grace Anna: HAAY! Or should I say, Ello! Yeah, so my name is Grace Anna Tomlinson. Look, I give the truth, not compliments. Well ya' know, when compliments are needed I give them. I am pretty much sassy and straight out with what I say, and when I want something, I'm not shy about it. I like to be right, and hate being proved wrong. Cursing isn't my day job, but words sure will slip out when the time is right. I took the Doncaster accent from Daddy, but American words are something I use every once in a while. My twin Dollie is like a crazy b*tch but i love her! I have been pretty SUCKY in relationships and my ex was really a b*stard, but now I'm in a relationship with one of my BFFS!

Blake Ricky: S'up! I tend to be straight fowards with questions, kind of like my uncle. It sucks that I have 1...2...3.. 7 aunts, and 1 freaking uncle. It makes me feel kind of like an outcast. My life is filled with women. My mother, my aunts, my 3 sisters, my grandmothers, my mom's friends, their children, but one, that I am fine with. My beautiful girlfriend Rina, well it's Serina, but hey nicknames are adorable right? I am a romantic, and Rina calls me 'Perfect Boyfriend', but I think I can be mean sometimes. I get jealous easily when it comes to Serina. I have a decent job already, and I drive my youngest sister to school.

Loe: Oi! I'm Loe the Tommo Tomlinson, the youngest of the Tomlinson clan! I am practically the girl version of my dad. I don't have a bum as big as my daddy though. Forget haters, i'z beautiful! I am a daddy's girl, so watch out for the Superman and his partner Supergirl! I am very happy and sweet, but sassy when the time is perfect. I don't really look for a boyfriend, so sorry bois im taken by me pillow!

Deileigh Reianne Sheeran: Hey people! I'm Deileigh Rei! I think of myself as a Styles, but my biological father is Ed Sheeran. (It's not my Mom's fault, she was raped.) I am kind of shy and embarrassed when it comes to boys, and i'm just really insecure. School has been hard and I have been bullied alot. It's always " Oh, look at your hair!" or " Your mom's a slut!". I won't even talk to anyone. I think I'm depressed because of my past, but my life can have happy moments when I chill and listen to music. I have a singing voice, or at least my Mom says I do. I just don't know anymore...

Axel Xander: what up my ghettos?. I'm A to the X then add Styles. I would say I am ghetto, but im not little a gaywad! I am a partier and I do gigs and crap like that. I am in a relationship with Grace. I like sports and music, preferably pop. I always seem to get the blame for things since my sister is like a shadow.

Javvad Jacob: Vas happen'!? A lot of people see my dad in me, but l don't see it. Most people only know me from my numerous interviews my parents put me in as a child. My mom had me at age 19, therefore my father was still in his band, 1D. I don't know if it makes me gay or maybe bisexual, but I like One Direction's music. I've been to only one million concerts. Anyvay, me and my lil' sister, Georgia-Rose have a pretty good relationship, which is weird for siblings. We always have each other's backs. I kinda have a crush on Loe, but no one knows. YET.

Georgia-Rose: I don't have many friends, exept for maybe me brother, whom everybody calls Jacob. I try to make at least an aquatence with Deileigh, but that's obviously not going to happen. We're both pretty shy, but I have a fair sence of humor. I may not be as famous as me brother, but when l actually do have an audience, l leave a bloody remark on them. I really don't have any feelings for anyone, so.....

Jane Alexa: So, I'm emo, thats about it . But if you wanna get personal then...

I have always belived that Everyone will find true love, I mean my mom went from FEA (for eva alone) to, "OMG OMG! l'M

MARRYING ANDY F*CKING BIERSACK!" So l've been looking for the one, but I just can't seem to find him yet, well h*ll for all l know l could turn out to be a lesbo.

Kyelec Dennis: I'm pretty much how I appear I have lots of secerets but only one person knows. I am taken by my lovley gf Ceyler. I hardly ever party but, l mostly read, write, and play and sing music. I'm quiet to others but loud around family and close friends.

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