3- The Group

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Still straightforward... E- but I'll write this story to my hearts content.. Enjoy~

In a jolly village filled with laughter ang joy, you could see 5 men walking past the busy alleyways, covered by their cloak. But they seemed to be finding something though. But what are they finding to be exact?

"Ne~ akachin, I'm hungry" whined the tallest of the group in a lazy tone, named Murasakibara Atsushi

"Patience Atsushi, we're almost there" said the rather smallest person in the lead, named Akashi Seijuro

"Ne akashichii, where are we even going? Its too crowded here" whined the blond that slumped from tiredness. Named Kise Ryouta

"Hmmp! If you have listened then you would have known idiot." said the guy with glasses with a silver detailed key tied around his neck. Named Midorima Shintaro

"Shut up four-eyes! Your so annoying!" Growled the tanned male. Named Aomine daiki

"Hmmp! At least I know I'm not a lazy good-for-nothing you ganguro." Retorted Midorima

Sensing that the shorter male was sending glares to the two, Aomine had stopped his words.

"Tch! Whatever you four-eyed freak." Replied the tanned male

They came upon a small house on the edge of town and knocked on the door. In a few seconds, there revealed a woman about her 40's confused at the unexpected guests.

"My, what may I help you young men?" Asked the woman who had greyish-white hair, deep brown gentle eyes, and looks like is about to collapse.

"Pardon our intrusion ma'am,may we ask if you know who Saruhi Fuji might be?" Asked Akashi in a sharp voice

"Hmm? I'm sorry I don't think I know who your talking about" said the woman and quickly closed the door. But within a second the redhead had caught it before it even closes.

"I think we have a few things to discuss, Ms. Hina Nagaoki" said the redhead in an intimidating voice. The woman named Hina then forced to close the door with success and grabbed a weird looking weapon behind her. She then shot the group of males outside her doorstep simultaneously, releasing a purple energy with a small explosive effect.

After a minute of firing, she panted and reloads her weapon aiming outside of her doorstep. She gently checked if they were annihilated, but was greeted with a clash of a spear causing her weapon to fly off in a corner and falling on the floor.
It was the tanned male who had attacked her, She looked behind him to see the others with their weapons ready to attack any moment. But they didn't.

"Geez, for an old woman you've got guts" grinned the tanned male while pointing the spear towards her. All she could do is smile in defeat. "It seams so.."

A few moments later

"Forgive our actions earlier. We had only wanted to talk about something. we didn't intend to disturb you or.. Attack you." Said Midorima with an apologetic look.

"Its ok. If you hadn't told me that you were his students, I might have used my death gun." Said the woman named Hina in a happy expression while putting her cup of tea down on the table.

"Uhhh... C-can you pls tell us if Saruhichii-sensei left us a letter? An instruction? A weapon?" Asked blond with an uneased look by her answer.

The old woman looked at him seriously and asked; " what is it that you really seek? What are you up to?" Asked the woman in a stern voice.

A moment of silence was observed with a heavy atmosphere

"Hnn.. She really is grumpy, like Ruhi-sensei had described.." Said the lazy giant standing near the couch while eating coockies served on the table. A tick can be seen on Hina's face.

"WHAT!!? That no good bastard said what!? Grrr! I should've strangled him when I had a chance! Stupid Fuji! Stupid! Stupid! Stu-- ah...." Berserked the old woman when she noticed that she was out of character, She blushed and cleared her throat.

" Oi! Can you just tell us already! Were kinda in a hurry here." Growled the tanned teen

"Hmmp! What are you grumpy about." Retorted the old woman

'I swear this old woman' hissed Aomine in his head

"Enough." Akashi had cut in before the child-like behavior of the two fight. "Ms. Hina, would you please tell us if Fuji-sensei has left anything for us? And while at it could you please do it fast? Were kinda on a chase here." Said Akashi with a glare.

Hina sighed . "Fine. He did left something for you. But may I ask what your up to?"

"Personal reasons" stated Akashi. Hina was not sure whether she should give it or not. But, she did promise Saruhi. She gave them a letter with a sign of Saruhi. It was old, but was in a good shape. When they were about to leave they had noticed that there were men in a distant about to surround the small house. "Tch! They're here." Warned Aomine. "We could escape at the back" suggested Kise, "its no use, they've got us cornered." Calmly replied by Midorima.

"Then we fight" said Murasakibara raising his spiky hammer ready for action. "It would take time. They're too many." Said Akashi . Silence fell upon the room.

"I guess we have no choice but to fight" said Midorima.

"No! I dont want to repaint my house with red. Follow me. Quick, To the basement" Stated Hina fast-walking towards the basement calmly.

"What are we suppose to do here? We can't hide, they'll find us" whined Kise, but was shushed by Hina's glare. She took the cloth covering some sort of objects and moved some boxes out of the way. The group then saw an emblem from one of Saruhi's books. Hina then chanted a spell to which the sign had opened up to a portal.

"Hide inside here. I'll stall them for the meantime. But be sure to be near this portal tomorrow, if not then the next day. Don't worry there's some supplies you will need there. And whatever you do, don't disturb-" Before they could even ask what she was referring to, they heard a loud knock on the door and demands to ask her some questions. She cussed. "Tch! Go! Hurry!" Exclaimed Hina softly. She had pushed the group into the portal by force as she hid everything back to normal and went upstairs.

'I hope they don't disturb her' she thought and opened the door. "Yes? May I help you? She asked the men infront of the doorstep pulling her innocent act towards them.


When the group had arrived to an unknown place, they had been confused at the same time mesmerized at the incredible view. But what they didn't know is what was hidden on the other side in a distant.

Myahahaha, well that's it for today. And I know, its too plain.. But hey! I'm still an amateur. Pls look forward to chapter 4~

LIVE BRIGHTLY everyone  

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