7- Slouch

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Meanwhile with the GOM

A certain group of outsiders found themselves sitting inside a living room they are unfamiliar of. Trying to recall what had happened when they were in search of shelter.

All young men are found relaxed ,but abit tensed, as they sat comfortably slouched against a rather big couch of soft-cream, yet simple old fashioned. It was seemingly in good shape.

None spoke for a moment or two, for they are quite questioned. All except for a shadow lurking at the corner.

There was a brief moment of silence.


"Ne.... Akashichii,"

Brought back out of trance, Akashi looked at his direction

"What is it Ryouta?"

He regained his posture and placed his poker face on.

"..what-" The blond teen was reluctant for he is somehow shaken





Midorima was alert. Being the one near to the source of noise, he quickly drew out his weapon; An arrow and bow of white with fine craftsmanship, along with a streak of green, detailing every part of its elegant yet dangerous features.

"Come out!"

As he pointed his weapon to the unknown, it stopped. He remained in this position as the others readied theirs.

It rustled once more, but this time something was coming in view. T'was hysterically laughing in a very high and eerie tone. It was a shady figure of a man? Women? No, it couldn't be recognize as the distinct figure was surely anonymous. There is a chance that its a male due to its hint in tone. But one thing they know for sure, it was a Euphoric*.

Its eyes were glinting bright yellow, its smile never faded as it gave an eerie vibe along with its sharp jagged teeth, etched around it mouth

"What the-!! Whats it doing here!?" Pointed Aomine, gripping the handle of his daggers dangerously tight

The Euphorics movements were dangerously noted. Its claws shaking in sheer excitement, a twitching euphoriant to be exact.

"kILleD... Em.." It gigled

"GoUGE.... eYEs.."

Kise irked and sweatdropped to the point he was hyperventilating. He was remembering something horrible. Murasakibara took note of this and came to aid the blond

"Kise-chin, relax. It'll be alright" he informed the others, while he tried to comfort the blond, least to say that he Tried.

"..AtE ..... tHEy L.....vE...-" it gigled once more, but this time it was an even darker tone which sent Kise to shiver far more worse.

Tears were forming in his eyes ready to flow at any moment. The group were beginning to get even worried for the said blond. He was shaking and out of character tremendously

"Calm down Kise, your not helping here!" Charged the tanned male as liquid started to form around his dagger as it turned rock-solid. It shunned as if he brought the entire ocean along with him.

"Aomine! Don't!" Yelled Midorima, but it was already too late. He had already attacked.

"Tch! Idiot" since he couldn't stop him he prepared his bow and arrow and focused on a quiete spell targeting the euphoric who's head was tilted on his direction. It made him grunt to himself

He swung his daggers to the abdomin, he slashed and slashed but it wouldn't budge. With the useless effect on the euphoric, it took its chance as it hit Aomine's side lightning fast. Aomine was barely able to dodge, but there was a deep scratch.

"Mine-chin!" Murasakibara alarmed and looked at his side where Kise was.

"Sorry Kise-chin.. Aka-chin!" He looked at Akashi who only nodded for approval. He then bailed on Kise as he rushed to grab Aomine. He then took out his mallet and chanted "Grow". As he said so his his mallet grew 3x bigger and glowed bright purple. He raised it effortlessly, and smashed it towards its direction. Cracks started headed its direction, causing it to loose balance.

Midorima interfered with a strong gush of leafy-green wind, trying to make it fall back, which subconsciously did shortly.


Forgive me for the long wait.
Hopefully this would satisfy:

yes, this is short indeed, for it is my first action fiction I've done(sorta). I tried detailing it as much as possible. But because of school, I was hella busy. Forgive me for all the delays. I know.. Its too plain. I truly wish for forgiveness. I will update soon..

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