8 - White

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"Seriously Aomine, how can you be so reckless!" Hissed Midorima

"Your lucky its not at its full potential" he added. "yet" whispered lowly

It groaned and grunted. Some of its parts turned and seperated. Some parts even grew or extended. Now, it is turning into a complete different form; a very distinct figure with sharp edges, it was now hunched, its eyes were now bright red, its smile was still there, and the only twitching part seen was the head to the left and the parts around him. Its almost as if he was an error

"Tch, I spoke too soon" mumbled Midorima

They knew this was bad, this was different from before. Now, not only is it different from form, its also different in strength. They were now on Full alert ready to receive and defense from the expected attacks

It glared lowly as he observed the tensed group.

Except for one.

With immense speed, it dashed towards one of the group creating a very strong gush of air cutting 'cross the defensive group making them fly off.

Midorima was barely on the ground if he wasn't an air-lement. Its claws and sharp parts pointed solidly to the lone figure. A few centimeters were met with the individual spikes and claws, but were not able to reach the targeted man as it was somehow being held back.

Kise screamed in pure fear, as the euphoric figure halt above the fallen blond. The sight was truly memorable, in the most horrifying way in his favor.

The euphoric was being held back by red chains from both the ground and the source from hence it came from, Akashi.

With a quick turn of the hand, Blood-like spikes pierced the thing thus its blood gushed violently as red poured down. It was an excruciating sight, quite disturbing to be exact. Kise couldn't take much more of this. Subconsciously, he dashed with full speed to a random direction opposite from the commotion. So, he ran and he ran into the deeper end of the woods separating him from the group without any guidance.



The Euphoria blocked the way and vigorously trash around his whole body, not even minding the restrictions bounded around it. He flung both arms with full force to the left which all group members dodged, but sad for the tree's part though. Not long before the euphoria began to open his mouth wide and extending to a disgusting length with cracks and something eerily disturbing splitting apart.

Akashi clicked his tongue and began to be more serious. He raised the volume and power within his restrictions, thus slowly freezing in place the being. this effect only lasted abit, not long before it moved again. A gleam of yellowish beam started to appear on its mouth. Akashi, and Midorima took notice of this.

"Murasakibara! Barrier 2, NOW!!" yelled the greennete as he chanted a spell to levitate the Bluennete nearby him which the teen flinch and scowl at the sudden action.

"The hell do YOU think you're doing!!" scowled the bluenette. But there was no reply as the Purple head nod to the green head, and then to the red head.

with a chant of the giant, they leaped an incredible height as purple crystal bubbles surround them with 2 small orbs emitting light circles them, they looked down at their attacker. The light inside its mouth was already charged, fully charged. The chains broke as the red head had no other choice to let go of it or else things might go worse such as his energy power drained by invisible connections.


Everything went white. Whiter than before. Once they woke up, they were sited in an unfamiliar home. They had no memory of what had previously happened. No memory of the monster they were fighting. No memory of the events they had done since they had stepped in the location..


"MMMRA! I'm telling you Midorima, I can't remember a single damn thing!"

"Aominechi! Language!"

"Ah, my bad.. It's just- how did we end up here anyways?"

"Hey Mido-chin, can I have more of your cookies?"

"I don't recall stepping on this place- Where is Akashi Anyways!?"

"Shhh! Aominechi, keep it down"

"Aka-chin said he'd *munch, munch* be taking a walk *munch, munch, munch*"

"Ohoho~ so does this mean he can't remember too? Well that's just great!"

"Why do you keep Questioning anyways?"

"Hah! Because why not? Ever heard of curiosity, Idiot?

"Hey! I know you think I'm an Idiot but don't just let your frustration out on us!"

"Oh just shut up!"

"Ok that's it!"

Murasakibara watched the two fight pettily as he enjoyed his freshly baked cookies served to them. He took the last piece and held it with delight as he assumed that it was a heavenly blessing given to him. He slowly brought the cookie up to his mouth but-


Kise and Aomine stopped and turned pale as soon as they saw a grimed-looking pissed Murasakibara. They gulped

"You two..." His voice was Dark and hoarse that it sent chills to the yellow and blue duo.

"w-w-were S-sSorry Murasakibarachii! I swear! It was Aominechii's fault, not me!"

"Hey! That's not true! He-"

"Shut up.."

Murasakibara gripped the shirts of the two and raised them high to his eye level. He glared at the two who in return whimpered back. He chanted a short phrase as his mallet appeared floating on top of the two heads, they jerked

"I DON'T WANT TO DIE!! I'M TOO YOUNG!!!" wailed Kise

"Would you quiet down! we are guest's in this house. At least have some manners" scolded the bespectacled man who sat across where the childish men were fighting, while sipping on a cup of vanilla tea.


It's been a loooooong day indeed since I have updated. I suck at keeping promises- I hope you enjoy this plain and lacking something story tho.. BUUUT!-


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