4- Wound

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So here's chapter 4, I'm sorry if it took too long. Its cause I was lazy.. But anyways, pls enjoy~

Kuroko's POV

I went out to take a stroll outside to catch some fresh air , from reading all those books early in the morning. I enjoyed reading so much, that it had become my comfort. Looking at the beautiful flowers never gets old too. Their beauty is one thing that will surely last long no matter how lonely It may be.

While I was walking, I heard noises coming near the river side, curiosity kicked within me so I checked out what had caused such noise. When I got near, I was surprised to see people sitting near the river. I quickly hid behind a tree and observed. How did they even get here? No one has entered this place besides Saruhi-san and Hina-san. Just how did they get here in the first place? My mind was crowded with curiosity, anxiety, but I was somehow.... mesmerized.

No ones POV

"Oi, Idiot! Think fast" Yelled Aomine as he threw blueberries at the blond simultaneously on his face

"Wah! Aominechii!! That's mean!!" Shouted the blond throwing some of his berries to the male, but the tanned male dodged it all

"Oi! Stop playing with your food! Its impolite." Scolded the green head while cleaning his glasses

"Yeah, give it to me instead" said the lazy giant insisted with an excited expression

"Haaah!? No way you've already had too much!" Said Aomine as he shoved the remaining berries in his mouth. As he chewed he got hit by a berry on his cheek by none other than Kise who snickered near the river. Aomine got pissed and grunted and had an idea to push the blond idiot into the river, but was stopped when they all heard something over the bushes.

Silence was observed..

"Shintarou" the leader said with the green head nodding and moving towards the noise. Knowing what the red head has ordered . As he went out of their sight they had resumed with whatever they were doing.

"What do you thin-" the blond had stated but was cut off when he had fallen to the river. He coughed. "Oi! Aominechii you'll pay for this!" Said the now pissed off and wet blond

"Hah! You wish" Aomine grin at the pissed blond. Kise pouted and had an idea, his pout was then replaced by a playful smile. " Take this!" Said Kise as he splashed some water towards Aomine.

"Gaahh! You little-" hissed Aomine as he released a deadly aura but was pushed by a certain someone.


He got up and coughed surprised by the sudden push "Who the hell did that! I swear I'll-" he turned to see Akashi giving him an intimidating aura that sends chills to both peer in the water. "What Daiki? You'll do what exactly?" Said Akashi with a grin on his face and arms crossed.

Aomine gulped "a n-n-nothing!" And whimpered while kise, once again, snickered. "Hmm? What was that Ryouta?" Asked Akashi once more with a devious smile upon his face holding his pocket knife. "N-nothing Akashichii" exclaimed Kise with a horrified look. "I thought so" he replied and sat down near the tree .

Midorima had returned shortly to their spot and announce that there was nothing there.

Murasakibara, while sitting down leaning behind a tree, suddenly felt dizzy. the others had noticed this too. "Ah... I'm feeling a littl-" before he could even finish his sentence, he had already fallen to the ground. the others had come up to his aid, knowing his condition

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