6 - Mistake

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Sorry for the long wait~

I tried to open my eyes, my vision was blurry for some odd reasons, but I know that there was a glint of reddish orange around my surroundings. When I regained my vision clearly, it shocked me to see such devastation happening. There was fire... fire everywhere, but mainly below me since I could feel the heat. But why is this happening?

When I tried to move, something held me back. When I came to see what's holding me back, my arms and feet were tied upon a giant wooden cross. I was somehow dressed with a plain white sleeveless dress and the necklace I had treasured was now gone. I panicked. When I tried to break free from this hold, I heard people below me shouting angrily.

"The witch is awake!" Hissed a man holding a pitch fork

"Repent for your sins you witch!" Shouted a woman angrily

"Burn to the ground!!"

And many cruel words were said towards me. Many many people somehow hated me. But what exactly did I do wrong during this timeline? When I looked closely towards the villagers, there were people in front of them.

There stood 5 people wearing clothes of silver white with golden outlines. They were standing there, holding the same arrows raised towards me, upon my horror. I couldn't even see the features of their faces so it was hard for me to identify.

I tried to ask questions, but couldn't cause my voice was a little sore. I could see that these men had a murderous intent deep within there eyes.

So many glares and words filled with hatred, it somehow feels as if daggers were being thrown towards me, stabbing my very heart and soul. I couldn't understand what was happening. But somehow, it felt as if it were my fault.

But wait..

The way that they had called me a witch. No, it can't be! They shouldn't have, but how!?

Disturbed from my train of thoughts, I didn't realised that the arrows had already been released from their grip.

I know that I have the power to stop it, but I don't know if I have the will to do so. I knew I needed to make it quick, I was in a verge of death for crying out loud

Its either 1: use my skill to save my life to prove that I am not what they think and despise of. But that would probably make the situation go more misunderstood, thinking that I might hurt them. But I wouldn't do such violence. Although accepting the fact that I had once was, doesn't mean a person can't change.


Either 2: accept what fate and my mistake has in store for me. Which means accepting death itself, for their selfish safety.

I didn't have enough time so I by instincts, I choose one. But before I could even reason, the arrows that had been sent flying, had already pierced to my skin in various spots: my right feet, left upper thighs, lower stomach, left shoulder, and left hand.

The pain caused me to scream and cough blood, along with losing conscious.

I had barely enough time to register their faces, but it wasn't enough, but I did see deeper emotions when I gazed to their eyes, before my eyes threatened to shut, as I succumb to a white light.

It was moments then, when I abruptively got up and greedily cough for air as I held myself tightly with a grim look combined with sweat. How long was I out? As that said, I had looked up to the so-called sky and can tell that I had passed out from nearly sunset to night.

It was then I decided to myself, that I needed to make a low profile. Especially from the outsiders. There were only two people who knew about what I can do. And I choose to be that way.

As I regained my composure, I needed to conceal the activities that I had foolishly made.

I casted a spell to make sure that they won't be suspicious and aware of my skills. So, I chanted something in a language that was unidentified by many.

Out of thin air, a clear orb of glass starts to fill of scenes of my mistake. As it fills the glass completely, I waved it with my right hand as it slowly fades. But only hidden not erased.

Walking back towards another direction, slightly staggering back, I slowly blend in the surroundings.


Somewhere around the corner, there is something or SOMEONE, who stared at every scene that had occurred. But merely shrugged it off, as it walks towards another direction. Smiling.


Did you know this chapter was inspired by Witch hunt by Megurine Luka. But the full events from this song will not fully reflect to the story.


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