1- forced

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Note that English is not my first language and I tried. And if there's any wrong grammar, then forgive me. Also, im abit straightforward... So yeah...Please enjoy ~

In a living room, a young girl can be found taken aback and on the verge of crying because of the levitating objects around her. She was scared and confused that she hugged herself tightly and cried softly. Sudden footsteps can be heard fast approaching to the living room. There stood her father and mother who gasped upon the sight of objects levitating around her. "M-mom, d-dad.. What is happening?" The little girl with rare sky blue hair and bright sky blue eyes asked her parents in a confused matter, shaking tremendously and lost within word. Her mother and father rushed to her aid comforting her that everything is OK. For a moment the parents seem to have comforted their only daughter and at the same time the objects has landed gently on the ground. The parents had knew that their child has a powerful and rare gift. That's why they had been living out of the country and far from any village.

But as the child grew at the age of 7, her powers has grew more powerful than before. One day, while walking around the woods she came across some hunters who cornered her animal friend, and shot it. The girl whom had witness the horrible death of her 'dear' friend which had beautiful fur,is now covered by blood. The hunters paid no attention to the girl who stared in shock and horrified look. The dear was kicking its final breath when the hunter shot it again ending its suffering made the little girl gasp and her eyes darkened into a shade darker of blue.

As the hunters were about the grab the dear, they had been levitated. The little girl who walked slowly to her friend and said "goodning my old friend, I shall grant you revenge", but it was rather a soft whisper. She then looked at the hunters who had a confused and scared look. When the girl raised her left hand, the weapons they were holding flew facing against them and caused the hunters to flinch. Suddenly they where dropped to the ground harshly , but the guns still pointed towards them. "I'll give you 5 seconds to run away before I shoot" the three stared horrified and did as instructed.


They started running for their lives


They had ran seperatedly, one of them not knowing the pathway to the exit. While he was running he didnt know that he was headed to a cliff. Within a second, he had fallen from a nearby cliff. Leaving 2 hunters left..


The two ran, but was not fast enough. They had just planned to hunt outside of town, but they have never imagined this would cause their death.


When there was a log in the way, they both jumped. But one foot got captured by the logs stick. And so he had injured his knees and face due to the sudden fall.


One tried to help the other, but was shot by crystals. Because of the horrifying event, he screamed to the death of his friend. He cried in fear of his life on the ground. He could see the little girl with sharp crystals floating around her in front of him. Within a second, he was shot numerous times sending various sharp crystals hitting him, with him screaming his final breath.

After the event, her eyes turned back to normal and realized what she had done. She was horrified and disgusted by herself. She was so scared that she ran home to tell her parents what she had done. Though she will accept punishment for this act. But not knowing, there was a person who had witnessed everything.

A day later, some men had entered the house in search for the little girl. The parents tried to hide her, but to no avail. They had taken their daughter forcefully as the parents tried to stop the people from taking her away. The little girl cried loudly as she saw her parents get pushed inside the house and blocked their exit, spreading gas around they lit the house on fire. When she was about to scream louder, she had been knocked cold with the last word from her parents screaming to her to stay strong. Before she had fell unconscious she saw a glimpse of someone wearing a purple cloak and a dripping-water like necklace.

When she had woken up, she was at a beautiful place where she did not know. It was quite spacious too like a forest to be exact. Nature was at its fullest, crystal clear flowing river, gorgeous flower fields, the sky was almost like the real one. But you could notice the barrier surrounded. But only sharp eyes can notice the barriers formed, and a house that was quite large fit for 10 people or so. While she looked around she saw a man with a purple claok and a beautiful necklace that looked like tears around his neck. He had a black hair, iris purple eyes, and was at the age of 30's. He then spoke

"Welcome Kuroko Tetsuna, I am Saruhi Fuji. I am just like you gifted with powers unknown, serve this Kingdom, Nagasaki. You are gifted with tremendous power in which you yourself cannot control, and can lead to destruction. You may be wondering where you are, and why you are here. You are in a place which you will spend your years, a cage to be exact, you are here to control your powers and guilty for killing 3 hunters with the sentence of banishment from the kingdom. But if you are able to control your powers and show that you are capable of any need to the kingdom, you will be set free."

The girl stayed silent and frowned at the the thought a life without freedom. But she then accepted the fact that what she did was wrong. But she knows that if she could show that she can do good deeds, she'll be able to see the world where she belongs. "Then... Saruhi-san. Please, teach me to control my powers" said the girl with an expressionless face but determination can be found in her eyes.

The man named Saruhi then laughed at the sudden request of the youngster, loosing his cool. "Very well, only if you promise to use your powers for good." said Saruhi in which Kuroko replied. "I understand Saruhi-san, I promise". And with this, Saruhi had thought that this will be a fun experience to be as a mentor with a gifted child.

Mmmyaaa... Too plain?


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