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Alexis' POV

"Don't you fucking dare!"

"Why not? Scared?" Jay asked approaching me with a spider on his hand. He knew I hated those horrible creatures that shouldn't exist! Like, what animal needs more than two eyes and legs?

"Jay I'm being serious, don't do anything you'll regret"

"But why, he's so cute. Don't you want to touch him?" He then took a step closer to me, but no way in hell I'm getting any closer to that thing. "STEVEEEEENN!" I shouted with the top of my lungs. I know that if I was in any kind of trouble Steven would always be there.

I heard Steven's steps getting closer and he soon slammed the door open to my bedroom. "What?! What happened?" Woried all over his face.

I ran into my brother's arms, from behind climbing to his back, putting my arms around his neck and legs around his waist. "Look" I pointed out at Jay's arms.

Looking at the situation in front of him, Steven put me on the floor. "Bro, stop messing with Alexis you know she's scared of spiders"

Jay was only laughing at the situation, still holding the spider in this hands. Ugh! How much I want to choke him with the spider on his troat. "Bro, it's the funniest thing in the world" He only started laughing more. God I hate him.

"Hey! It's not!" I said, it really isn't funny being scared by spiders.

"Ok stop it. Jay give me the tarantula." He puts his hand in front in motion for Jay to give him the spider. "You know you shouldn't mess with the animals we use for torture. They're only for our dads and guards to use"

Steven took the spider amd I quickly stepped away from my brother. "I know I know" Jay said annoyed.

Just after Steven was gone Jay started laughing again.

"What?" I swear, sometimes he's just so annoying.

"You're 18 and you're still afraid of spiders"

I rolled my eyes and started to push him out of my room. "Oh my god fuck off Jay, can't you just leave my alone for one second and do anything that involves not me?"

"I would, but what's better than seeing you annoyed and angry?" He said with a smug on his face.

"Ugh! Just get out." I closed the door on his face and fell on the bed.

I know what you're probably thinking. And yes, I am afraid of spiders at the age of 18, but who can blame me, they're demonds.

Anyway, my name is Alexis Renzetti, but I prefer Alexis Ren, if not people are gonna know were I come from and that's another story. I live with my parents and my brother, Steven. But I also live with the Alvarrez family, they're like family and ever sense I was born I've known them so I consider them my own.

It's safer for the Renettis and Alvarrez family to live together. Why? Well, because we're both mafias. Yep, the fucking mafia. Ever sense I came to this world I've know about it, so I'm used to it.  Everyone knows about the two most powerful mafias in America so even the police is too afraid of doing something against us.

We live far from the city in the middle of no where in a big mansion in Los Angeles, but like I said I'm used to it. They're a lot of people on the house so I don't get too bored. Even though I wish I had more friends.

I resently turned 18 amd graduated. My brother Steven is 22 along with Jay. They have been best friends sense dippers, so I've been stuck with them my whole life and at the same time they've teached me how to be strong and handle myself, except for spiders of course,

I love my brother and parents with all my heart. Yes they're from the mafia, but
they're the most loving parents and brother they can ever be.

So yeah, that's my boring life story. I've always loved traveling and meeting new places, but for my safety, like my parents say I can't go out too much. So I'm hoping than once I'm a little older I can get out of this place and just travel. But until then, I'm stuck here.

But who knew that my boring mafia life wasn't going to be that boring after all...


There You Have It! Introduction. I really hope you liked it, even though it's the first ever chapter I've written.

Keep reading cause I'm going to be posting more chapters every one or two weeks.


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