Chapter 1

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"Ahhhh!" I screamed when my body brutally touched the floor. What the fuck just happened?!

"Get your fucking ass off the floor." I perfectly recognized that voice.

Glaring at Jay I got off the floor and I was ready to kill him. "WHY IN THE FUCKING WORLD WOULD YOU WAKE ME UP AT-" I looked at the clook on my night stand 7:34am "-FUCKING SEVEN IN THE MORNING ON A FRIDAY" I am so mad at him right now! He knows I love my friday mornings.

"Oh no reason I was bored so I was wo-Ahh!" I can't hear him right now so I threw myself at him, but we both fell on the floor. Me legs were now around his waist so I was straddling him. Our chest touching. I could feel his heartbeat fast and he could feel mine too.

"If I knew you wanted me this much then I would of woken you sooner" The fucker was smirking! So I played along.

"Maybe you should of" I started getting closer.

"Maybe I should" He was now getting closer too. Perfect, he was falling for it. When our lips where almost touching I took my fist and punched him right in the stomach with all my forces.

"FUCK!" Damn he sounded in pain. Oh well.

I stood up and heard him groan. "That's what you get when you disturb my beauty sleep" I smiled going to my bathroom.

"Fuck you" I heard Jay say just when I closed my bathroom door.

I looked at my self in the mirror and lets just say one thing: I look like shit. I mean I am not that ugly, but I don't consider myself the most beautiful person. I have regular blond hair just above my breast and I have normal brown eyes. I am not that short either I'm a good 5'9. I'm a little insecure with my body, everyone tells me how beautiful I am, but I just don't see it. But anyway...

I took my pijamas off making a pile on the floor, l went to turn on the shower, but with the Jay thing I forgot to take some clothes. I sighed wrapping a towel around my body, took the doorknob and opened the door. I walked on to my walk in closet and went back to the bathroom. I took my towel off and made sure the water was warm and put on some cream to make some bubbles. I entered the hot tub and signed in relaxation. Finally some free Jay time.

My relaxation time was abruptly ruined when someone decided to open the freaking door. I tried covering my body, but realized that the bubbles hide everything. The person entered the bathroom and I quickly recognized the devil's face. "Why the fuck are you here Jay? I'm naked!" He was unbelievable.

"Whatever, it's not like you're doing something you shouldn't do are you?" He said with a smirk on his face. How dare he say that?! "Jay of course not!" My face was probably red from the embarrassment.

"Chill okay I was just joking." He laughed. "I came to tell you the real reason why I woke you up. Our parents want too have a family meeting" Now that was rare. They only made family meetings when there was something to do with the mafia wish they never tell me anything about because they don't want me to get involved with anything to do with the mafia, but I don't realy mind.

"Why would they want to make a meeting?"

"I don't know, but they said to hurry up. So hurry up!"

"Ok ok, but get out first." I said.

"I don't mind" Hearing that made my cheeks turn a little pink. Why would he say that?

"Well I do so get out"

"Fine, but don't be late"

I stood up and took a clean towel covering my body and stepped out. I dryed and put on some black yoga pants with a PINK sleeveless t-shirt sense I wasn't doing anything important today.


I was now walking to the dining room where we always had our family meetings and eat breakfast.

I soon saw my parents and brother. "Good Morning Dad" I went to my father and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Morning mom" Also giving a kiss on the cheek to my mom. I sat on the chair besides Steven and soon appeared Rachel and Marcus (Jay's parents) and Jay him self.

"Morning Alexis" said Rachel. "Morning" I smiled.

They all took a sit and I started talking. "So what is this all meeting thing about?"

I looked at my parents and they seemed troubled on what to say. Like they where hiding something or did't know what to say.

"Okay look Lex" Oh God they said Lex, something is really happening. "There where some troubles with the Volkov Mafia again." The Volkov? There is always a problem with them. Our families where never able to get along with them. "Again? What is it this time?" asked Jay.

Marcus started talking "Well son this time is different, they've declared war"

"What?!" Both Jay and I said.

If a mafia declares war is bad, real bad. It means a lot of fight and at the end only one mafia will survive and it will take over the other. And it's always bloody mess.

"Unfortunately" mentioned mom.

"So what are we gonna do now?" First good question that came out of Jay's mouth.

"You are gonna have to leave this place for some time" Steven pointed at Jay and me.

"Why?" We both asked simultaneously.

"You know how this mafia war works. It's going to be very dangerous and it would be safer for you guys to leave the house and go somewhere safer where they won't be able to track you down" Ugh I hated when they're right.

"Ummm ok... so when do we leave Steven?"

"Yeah about that, I'm not coming with you"

"But why? I don't want to be alone" I hated being alone on another place country. "You're not coming alone Alexis, you and Jay are going together"

"WHAT THE HELL?!!" We both stood from our chairs.

"I can't go alone with him!"

"Are You insane?!"

"I'm going to end dead!"

"She's scared of spiders!"

"He's an asshole!"

"She's a pain the ass!"

"Hey! I'm not!"

"Yes you a- STOP" my father shouted.

"Your are both going on this trip and it's final. I don't care if you want to or not, you are still going." Father said.

"Yes, and don't take it as an obligation, you two will have the chance to get along more" said Rachel smiling .

"Like that will ever happen" I whispered. "Anyway it's settled. You both leave tomorrow"

"But why so early?" Jay asked. "Because the sooner the safer" answered Marcus.

"And were are we going anyway?" I hope it's a pretty place like Bora Bora, Italy or maybe Hawaii.

"You're going to Puerto Rico" Where?!

"It's beautiful in the Caribbean, you guys will love it" Yeah I remember now from spanish class, our teacher was puertorrican and always mentioned how we would love the island.

"So it's settled you both leave tomorrow in the afternoon, go and get everything ready because it's going to be a long trip." Mom and Rachek were both smiling.

"Yeah yeah" I mumbled.

"Come on! Why don't you guys take it as maybe a... Vacation!"

And there chapter 1 is done! Hope you guys liked it and I know there may be some grammatical errors but remeber this is my first book so be patient. Vote and Comment.


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