Chapter 25 - He is going to die

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Katherine's POV

I think my heart stopped beating or maybe it's just beating faster than it should. I still can't wrap my mind about what's happening.

I think i stopped breathing , i even stopped thinking.

I am refusing to think.


Please no.

Tell me this is just a dream. A nightmare. Please.

I don't know how i managed to pull my shattered self and stand up , I rushed away then dropped on the ground beside him.

"Alex !" I gasped , my whole body shaking as i took a look at his white shirt , which is not so white anymore. He closed his eyes pressing them tight , he pursed his lips , his trembling hand went toward his stomach , toward where the shots are , he groaned , he is in pain.

Oh my god , no , Alex.

"No , n-no." I shook my head , my tears streaming as i still couldn't believe how this happened.

I looked at Ashton who's still looking shocked and paralyzed  , "Call 911 , do something !" I said pulling him out of his trance as he struggled to his feet and went toward the phone.

Caleb stood there beside Alex's half-conscious body , his eyes wide , the gun slipped out of his hands and dropped to the ground beside me , its voice shuttered my inside even more.

He backed away , blood covering his clothes , his hands,

Blood's everywhere.

Alex's blood..

Vengeance burned within my inside , and I don't know from where i gathered the courage in me and stood up , i pushed him away , "YOU DID THIS ! It's because of you."

His wide eyes kept looking at Alex , he looked like he didn't believe what happened as well. I didn't waste a second as i picked the gun from the ground and pointed it toward him, the metal felt heavy and weird in my hand , I don't know what i am doing , I am not thinking straight.

The only thing i am seeing is blood, there is blood everywhere.

The only voice i am hearing is my wild racing pulse in my ears.

"I .. I d-didn't .." Caleb stuttered looking at me , then looked back at Alex , his face pale white , his eyes still wide , his mouth hang open as if trying to say something but nothing is coming out, he shook his head his eyes not leaving Alex.

I was too shocked to realize what is happening when i felt someone behind me , my back was pressed against his front , then his hand went over mine and gently he took the gun away but I tried to grab it again.

"No , no.." I said shaking my head hysterically. I want the gun , i want Caleb to pay , he has to pay for everything he is doing , "Katherine." Ashton's voice came low , his breath brushing against my neck as he talked .

He was able to take the gun away from my reach , then he turned me around so i can face him , but I don't know why when i looked at his face , everything inside me broke down.

Everything happened today , from Ashton to what Caleb was about to do to me, to Alex now , everything, it was just too much to bare , too much that I can't- i just can't..

This , this is just not fair.

I gasped for a breath , my throat closing up, my whole body started trembling, i am feeling dizzy , i feel like someone's suffocating me.

In Seven Months (#2) [NOT EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now