Chapter 30 - The ugly truth

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Katherine's POV

I winced at the pain when i felt the piece of glass piercing into my feet. I shut my eyes letting a low whimper escape past my lips

"Katherine !" I heard Ashton directly say in alarm , i opened my eyes , he was no longer on the bed and now standing right in front of me. I was about to move when he said , "Don't move !"

"You hurt your feet." He said inching closer making sure not to step over the broken pieces of the mug that is scattered around me.

He lifted me up in his arms and placed me on the bed while inspecting my feet. Once he touched it , I directly flinched.

He furrowed his eyebrows, "You should be more careful." He said meeting my eyes. My mind was going wild thinking if he had the chance to read what's on the papers or not.

"I will get the first aid kit." He added , "Stay here." With that he went out of the room.

With my heart beating so fast I directly looked around me searching for those exact papers.

When i found them laying on the bed beside me still folded , a part of me got relieved. He didn't see them.

Or did he ?

But I don't think he had the time to read what's written inside. I just hope so. He can't know like this. He can't discover it on his own. He will know that i was lying to him all this time.

I should be more careful. I am signing them and tomorrow I'll give them back to the doctor.

But i have to tell him one way or another. I can't hide this anymore. Two months is all it is left.

I can't keep lying.

But with everything happening , how could i ? He just knew his mother is alive and I can't find it in me to ruin this for him.

I pushed these thoughts to the back of my mind for the time being , i directly took the papers and placed them inside my purse again, when i heard Ashton's footsteps nearing I directly pushed the purse away , for him not to suspect anything.

He entered then came beside me , i was about to take the kit from him but he directly removed it out of my reach , he shot me a glare , "I'll do it."

He kneeled in front of me rubbing the wound with alcohol, i gritted my teeth trying to suppress my pain pressing my palms into the mattress even more.

"When will you stop being so clumsy ? " he asked while placing the bandage over my feet.

He lifted his eyes and looked at mine , i tried to search in them for something that would prove if he really did see the papers or not.

But he looks normal.

Thanks god. He didn't see them. But till when this situation would last ?

"The cup just slipped out of my hand." I said , my heart beats went back to their normal rate feeling relieved.

He shot me an amused look before standing up, "Come on lay down, i will clean this." He said.

"No it's okay , i will clean them." I said and i was about to stand up but Ashton blocked my way , he leaned closer , he kissed the tip of my noes making me smile , "I am not taking your opinion , It's an order."

His tone showed there is no room for negotiation so i did as he said and laid down on the bed as he started removing the broken pieces from the ground.

I don't know how it happened, but as i was watching him i drifted to sleep without noticing.

I woke up few minutes later when i felt arms being wrapped around me , i opened my eyes slightly, darkness welcomed me.

In Seven Months (#2) [NOT EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now