Chapter 27 - Will you forgive me ?

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Katherine's POV

Everything happening is just too much.

Way too much.

What did we all do to deserve such things , What is our fault ?

Everything in our lives suddenly just went downhill.

One week ago , it was all perfect. And now , there is not even one thing going right.

Why we can't have a normal life ?
(A/N : because we have a messed up author , lol sorry couldn't handle myself, continue reading. )

I am so afraid of what's waiting for us. I am afraid of more problems and tragedies. I am afraid of more loses , of more tears , of more cries.

My heart swelled with pain and my chest tightened as William's words registered in my mind.

I can't believe this. Cara don't deserve this. She lost her baby , and the man she loves is still not waking up.

What can i do to erase her pain. I feel so helpless and also hopeless. What if really Alex didn't wake up.

No , no , he has to. I shouldn't lose hope.

I have to be strong.

I want to be strong, i am trying, but I can't. How could i with everything going on , how could i when i am lying to the closest people to my heart , how could i when i know that three months from now I won't be here for them.

I shook my head feeling a stung in my heart and pushed all these thoughts away as i knocked on the room Cara is in.

I waited but no answer came.

So i opened the door slightly and peeked inside , she was laying on her side on the bed, her hands under her head , her eyes opened staring at nothing specific.

No tears coming out of her eyes , she looked lost and dazed , she looked weak and vulnerable.

I walked and sat beside her on the bed , my hand went and i ran it in her hair ,she didn't look at my side yet , she looks like she didn't even noticed me coming in.

"Cara." I said but that didn't seem to grab her attention , "Look at me. Come on."

She averted her gaze and met mine , her tired brown eyes are dry but behind them there is pain. Sorrow , grief and heartache , it all lies there.

"When i first discovered i am pregnant, i was so scared." She started , her tone low and calm , "I actually felt that i don't want the baby , but then why now i feel that a part of me is missing.. i feel empty and shallow."

"It's okay." I said running my hand in her hair , "Everything happens for a reason , maybe this wasn't the best time for this, it's not the end of the world."

"You know, this happens to a lot of women during their first pregnancies but that doesn't mean you won't have a child anymore. You will , one day , when it's the right time you will."

She nodded her head , her gaze traveled to my baby bump , then she surprised me when she placed her hand above it and caressed it gently.

"How did the appointment go ?" She asked and i swallowed hard , "Is the baby okay ?"

I didn't know how to answer , i felt bad at the moment , i mean she just lost her baby and she is asking me about mine.

She probably noticed the change in my expression, "Katherine it's okay." She gave me a small smile , "I am fine."

In Seven Months (#2) [NOT EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now