Chapter 37 - I hate love

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Ashton's POV

I was no longer thinking straight. No longer able to make sense of what's happening.


The surgery was supposed to be done one week from now.


Life can't be that cruel.


Not when I finally found a way. Not when there was hope. Life can't take that away from me.

Life can't take her away from me. Can't take him away from me.

Everything was supposed to happen according to our plan. She would have the surgery next week, she would be safe.

She can't give birth like this, her body won't handle it.

I want to wake up. This is a dream. A f*cking nightmare.

"Ahhh." Katherine's cry in pain snapped from my thoughts, her hold tightened over my arm. She shut her eyes, she gritted her teeth. My heart stuttered , she in pain.

I directly opened the car's door and helped her get in. I wasn't the one controlling my movements anymore.My mind, is totally blocked out. My body, i was no longer in charge of it.

I ran to the driver seat ,closed the door after me with a loud thud. My hands were shaking as i tried to start the car. My anxiety grew more when the engine didn't start, i tried again , but it would hitch and turn off immediately.

F*ck. F*ck. Not now.

I tried one more time trying to get a grip over myself but alas, it is not working, the car is not f*cking working. What a f*cking perfect time !

I don't know what exactly is happening inside my body, i can feel it burning, i feel something inside me breaking , i can feel it, it's tearing me apart.

Pain. Sadness. Nervousness. Anxiety.

I don't know. But i am sure of one feeling.


I clenched my jaw, my hand curled into a fist and hit the steering wheel.

F*ck it.

Katherine placed her hand over my arm, i snapped my head toward her , "It's okay." She said, her voice low, her hand over her baby bump, i can see her struggling in taking a normal breath , "Just call 911."

Even though she is the one in pain, her tone so calm. She looks calmer than i am.

I nodded, my hand went inside my pocket but my phone wasn't there.


Okay , just calm down. Try to think straight. Get a grip over yourself.

"I'll be back." I said and rushed inside to get my phone. I didn't waste a second as i immediately dialed 911 and gave them the address.

I went back outside. Katherine was no longer in the car, she was standing beside it. I directly went toward her, i cupped her face in my hand , "Are you still in pain ?" I asked. My chest tightened as i noticed her pale face. She looks like she would faint any moment now.

She shook her head , "No." She whispered. She looks tired though, as if her whole body is drained of energy.

"They'll be here soon." I said while gently stroking her cheek, "It's going to be okay."

In Seven Months (#2) [NOT EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now