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[NOT EDITED , but it's pretty long so happy reading]

Five Months Later..

Katherine's POV

"Okay something happened." I started, "But don't panic okay?"

Her head immediately snapped toward me, her brown curls fell around her shoulder, her eyes widened a bit. "What happened ?"

I swallowed hard, i took in a deep breath , "The band can't make it." I let the words out, "But don't panic!"

Her eyes widened more. "Don't panic !" I added.

I think i am the one who is panicking !

"Uhh, okay , so th- there is another band in the hotel right ?" She asked, her voice came low.

She is not panicking. That's good.

"Umm actually.." I started , i bit my lip ,"Don't panic ! But uh.. No, they are booked for another wedding."

Her eyes widened again.

"Don't panic !" I added again, She sucked in a deep breath , "There is more." I said.

This is the worst day ever.

"M-more ?" She stuttered. I nodded. Oh god.

I looked down , "The priest can't make it too." I said the words with my lowest voice, maybe she won't hear them.

I hesitantly lifted my head up, her face paled and i can say she is about to faint.

"Don't panic !" I said again. She suddenly stood up making the chair fall down ,"Katherine i swear to god if you f*cking say don't panic again, i am cutting your balls." She said angrily, pointing her finger toward me. Oh god, she is panicking.

"I don't have balls." I said furrowing my eyebrows. I don't , do i ?

"Well i'll cut your tits then !" She snapped, her eyes fuming.

"No, Chase needs them." I mumbled with a low voice, She shot me a glare and started pacing around.

This time i got a better look at her appearance.

Oh god, she looks so beautiful. The dress, the hair, the make up. Everything.

Oh my god Alex. Why you have to do this.

I am so killing you. I mean it.

"No band ,no priest , oh god !" She mumbled to herself and pressed her hand against her forehead, "Nothing more bad can happen , can it? Oh god i have the worst luck , even on my wedding day, I , wh-" She kept on rambling incoherent sentences to herself.

I swallowed hard , my heart started beating fast , "Actually there is one more thing." I hesitantly said.

She turned around , Her eyes widened more , "Don't pan-"

"KATHERINE !" She snapped interrupting me.

Oh god. How i am going to tell her. I will kill you Alex , i will kill you.

"We can't-" I started, I scratched my neck nervously , " We can't find Alex."

**Four hours ago**

"Okay where did I put your clothes , where where ?" I mumbled to myself as I knelt down in front of the closet and went through the drawers searching in Chase's stuffs.

I let out a sigh when I didn't find what i want there. Damn I do really have the memory of a fish , I forgot where did I put them.

I turned my head and looked at Chase who weirdly enough was silent , He was sitting on the bed just looking at me with his big blue eyes , his small hands over his small feet holding them as if to balance himself. I smiled, by now he can sit straight for few seconds.

In Seven Months (#2) [NOT EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now