Chapter 34 - Happy Birthday

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Katherine's POV


It was the first thing i heard when i opened the door. I winced at how loud it came.

I saw the cake first. Then Cara holding it with a big grin over her lips and Alex standing beside her.

What time is it ?

I just woke up.

With a frown i closed the door in her face , walked away and threw myself on the couch.

"That stupid b*tch closed the door in my face !" I heard Cara say with an irritated tone. She is going to kill me when she enters , that's for sure.

"KATHERINE ! Open the damn door or i am going to break it." She said.

Why she is shouting? My head hurts , i just woke up and i am definitely not a morning person.


Oh god ! Tell her to stop shouting.

I shut my eyes and lay my head back on the sofa.

I hate this day. I really hate this day.


I groaned. I hate her.

"Stop shouting for god's sake." I heard Alex mutter , he sounds annoyed. "There is a spare key over here."

Great. Just great.

Thank you Alex !

"And now you decided to talk !" Cara exclaimed angrily before i heard a clicking sound and then the door opened.

I sighed. I have a feeling this is going to be a long day.

I heard their footsteps nearing , i opened my eyes to see Cara now standing in front of me with a scowl over her face.

"What the f*ck is wrong with you ?" She said crossing her hands over her chest. Her big brown eyes glaring at me.

"Leave me alone." I groaned. I just want to sleep till this day ends.

"Stand up you big-belly woman and come let me hug you ! It's your birthday !" She said. But she looked ready to kill me not hug me.

"Don't talk about my belly." I said with a frown , "It's not that big."

"Yeah sure." She said with a scoff and rolled her eyes.

"Hey !" I whined like a kid. My hand directly went toward my baby bump. Alex came out of nowhere and stood beside Cara looking between the both of us with furrowed eyebrows as if trying to figure out what we're talking about.

"Katherine you're my friend and all but these days you're starting to look more like a bear." She said with a shrug , a smirk over her lips."More like a whale actually."

F*ck her.

"I hate you." I said annoyed , then threw the pillow beside me at her. I got angry while she started laughing at my annoyed expression , Alex along with her.

"You'll see , this will come back and bite you ! Wait till you have a baby , i am go-" i started but when i realized what i said i closed my mouth shut.

I realized the ugly fact that i won't watch her get married or even get pregnant. No, i won't.

It hurts.

In Seven Months (#2) [NOT EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now