Chapter 38 - We are a family

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The picture is saying it all *wink*

So happy reading.
And this time i really mean it , HAPPY reading.

[NOT EDITED AT ALL, IT IS LIKE 3 AM over here and i was writing with one eye opened and the other closed😂]


Ashton's POV

My hand is shaking over the door's knob.

I am standing here for like more than ten minutes.

Paralyzed. Not moving.


I am scared.

What i am scared of ? I don't know.

Probably still shocked. Still trying to digest everything.

I closed my eyes for a brief second, i took in a deep breath. Calm down. Calm down.

When i opened my eyes again, i opened the door.

Okay , now you should enter.

Yeah, i think i should.

It took all the power in me to be able to drag myself inside.

I entered. I walked .I stopped.

I thought my heart stopped beating before. Then why now it is beating so fast.

Faster than ever.

A smile made its way to my lips , i brought my hand up and pressed my palm against my chest feeling my heart beating there. So fast, too hard.

"Your heart is beating so fast." She said softly pressing her hand against my chest.

"It beats like this just when i am with you."

My smile grew wider. It is true.

Just when i am with her. Just when she is around.

Just when my eyes look at her. This wild organ in my chest no longer becomes mine.

She controls it. It is hers, not mine.

And i want it to stay hers forever.

Yes. Forever.


"Her heart stopped beating."

No. No.

He is lying. No.

But.. but that sound coming form the heart monitor machine, that straight line showing on the screen..

He is not lying. No. I wish he is.

That beeping sound is.. is.. I just.. I can't hear it.

It's ripping my inside.

Stop. Stop.

I placed my hands over my ears and pressed hard. I clenched my jaw , i closed my eyes shut.

Stop. I screamed from the inside. I can't find my voice.

Someone's shoulder brushed with mine ,i opened my eyes to see a doctor rushing inside.

I tried to make sense of what they're saying but I can't. I am just hearing words. Letters. Sentences that aren't making any sense in my mind.

I forget how to hear. How to think. How to act.

In Seven Months (#2) [NOT EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now