Chapter Eleven: Mixed POV's

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I woke up and Mia was starring at me wide eyed. The worrying written all over her face. "Morning,what's wrong?"
I asked as I sat up in the bed my voice still thick from the sleep."Uhm....Brian..we think Chloe is gone..." My body stiffened. "What do you mean...gone?" I asked as a million things run through my mind. "Well...she didn't come down for breakfast. And when I went upstairs she wasn't in her room either. All her clothes is still here and her bed is unmade." Mia explained. I flew up and grabbed a shirt. "Have you tried her phone yet?" I asked putting the shirt on. "'s in her room. I don't think she just ran away...Brian." I put my shoes on and walked to the door. "Me neither...where's Dom?" "Downstairs..waiting for you." I rushed downstairs with Mia right behind me. Dom,Letty and Han were waiting in suspense. "Morning. What do you got?" I started. "Nothing..we think she's been kidnapped." Dom replied. The blood froze in my veins. Chloe..kidnapped? "What are we going to do!?" I blurted out without thinking twice. "The camera!" Letty announced like someone who just got a bright idea. "What camera?" Han asked. "The hidden camera that was installed at the garage...." Letty said in a slow tone trying to remind us all. "Do you think it picked something up?" Mia asked in her motherly instinct voice. We all looked at each other and than I went over to the computer. I logged in and all of us waited intensely as I forwarded through the footage. "Wait! Go back!" Dom ordered. I obeyed and we watched. Just than we saw Chloe making her way to the garage suspiciously. She stood there for a few minutes looking around. Just as she turned around a tall man wearing black clothes and a balaclava attacked her smothering her with something. She passed out and he picked her up and carried her away. I could feel the anger build up inside me. I hit my fists hard on the desk. Mia put her arm on my shoulder to try and calm me down. I got up and started the stairs. "What are you going to do now?" Mia asked. I stopped in my steps and looked at them. "Going to find that bastard...Takashi." "I'm coming with you.." Dom said. "Count me in." Han agreed. "Me and Letty too." Mia announced. I opened my mouth to disagree but she cut me off. "Don't even think of stopping us."

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