Chapter Thirteen: Motel

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AN: Thank y'all for reading. I appreciate it a lot. Enjoy! Peace!!🌹🌹

Han and I drove to a motel in silence. When we got there he got out taking a duffel bag out of the boot of the car. We went inside and he booked us into a room. He unlocked the door of the room and handed me the bag. "Got some clean clothes for you in there." He said I took the bag and put it on the floor. "Thanks." I said in a soft tone wondering why he's the one that rescued me. Even though I'm not complaining I just wonder why he would even bother since he kissed me the other night and we never spoke of it again. It's like he's always doing this,maybe his trying to mess with my feelings. He knows I feel something for him,doesn't he? Otherwise I would never have kissed him back. But now he acts like nothing ever happened between us. Maybe it's for the best I mean...he's Brian's friend and he's so much older than me. Brian already don't approve of my relationship with Takashi. Half because he's one of Brian's enemies the other half because he's not my average boyfriend age. Like Brian loves to put it, and than there is Takashi. Even though he can be such an ass sometimes I love him. He has taught me so many things of the adult world. And by that I learned that no guy will ever love me the way he loves me. "Got a lot on your mind?" Han asked rudely interrupting my thoughts. I haven't even realised that I was starring at my feet avoiding eye contact with him. "Nothing....just glad that nightmare is over." I said trying hard not to allow my voice to break. "Can I look at that...might get infectious" Han said pointing to my bruised eyebrow. I nodded and went and sat on the edge of the bed. He went to the bathroom and returned with a first aid kit in his hands. He kneeled in front of me taking out a cotton ball dipped in disinfect alcohol. "This might sting a little." He said before pressing it against my eyebrow. "Ouch!" I pulled my head back out of his reach as a sharp pain shot through my head. "Sorry.." He mumbled and continued. He fixed up my eyebrow and moved over to my busted lip. He softly and gently pressed the cotton ball on my lip trying hard not to hurt me. He was so focused on cleaning the cut that I just couldn't handle it. He was so close to me but yet he was so distant. I took his hand away from my lip and walked to the other side of the room. "What's wrong?" Han asked stunned. "Tell me something this feeling I have for you wrong? Is it nothing but just a stupid crush to you? Should I forget about it and move on?" I asked as I swallowed hard against the lump building up in my throat. But the tears betraying me as they ran down my cheeks uncontrollably. Han looked at me he's face soften and he flopped down on the bed. "Chloe....whatever you feeling for me,it's mutual. I like you in every way possible. But I can't allow it to develop into something more. I'm the adult here I can't allow that! I can't hurt Brian like that he will never forgive me. And Takashi...I can't just fuck up everything between you two! I look at you everyday with a broken heart knowing you can never be mine." For the first time in my seventeen years I saw a man cry. And not just any cry...the cry of a man with a broken heart. "Han..." I reached out to him and he took my hand and kissed it. "I know there are so many risks and I understand that. But do me one favour before saying goodbye...." I leaned in and whispered in his ear. "Make love to me..." Han's body stiffened. " that what you want?" He asked startled. "Please Han....." I said with a soft tone kissing him in his neck. He took me by my hips and softly pinned me on the bed. He kissed me and I threw my arms around his neck pulling him closer. Our kiss deepened and I tugged at the end of his shirt. He took it off and made love to me slowly and gently. Starring in my eyes,capturing my heart. This is goodbye. Afterwards I lied in his arms piercing my eyes shut as tears ran down my cheeks. Trying hard not to wake him with my sobs. I loved this guy...more than I ever did before...

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