Chapter 7

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Wow... Good thing that she left. She started running so fast, that I had to run after her. Damn it, she runs so fast, and I thought I was fast. This girl is surprising me everyday.

After a few twists and turns, I reached the place, and it looked familiar.

"Jae!" I looked behind me.

"Brian, my man!" I yelled, and we did our secret handshake, which took like 1 minute.

"What are you doing here?" He asked. Oh yeah. I totally forgot that I was looking for Nora.

"I was looking for someone, they came here, so yeah. Anyways, I have to go, bye, see you later."

I left him, and went inside the photo shoot place. I had permission, because Brian and I were friends. I was walking, turning right, left, left, and another right, until I saw a door, that caught my eye.

On the outside were pink letters, and the letters L, and M. Brian told me a while ago, that Lilliana Maddox came here for her photo shoot. This could be the once in a lifetime I could meet her. I slowly opened the door, to find myself in a dark place, that feels congested with.... Clothes? And hangers? Where the hell am I? In a storage room that just says L and M? I tried to open the door from behind me, but it was locked. Oh well, let's just wait and see who will get me out of here.

Lilliana POV

I wore a cute icy blue Hi-Lo dress, with a silver sleeveless top

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I wore a cute icy blue Hi-Lo dress, with a silver sleeveless top. Wearing this type of stuff is not my type, but people say that I look good in them. I am the type of person who would wear a crop top and a pair of shorts to the Grammys. If you're judging me, think again. At least it is better than a Lady Gaga Meat dress, or a Miley Cyrus dress that barely even covers her. What's better?

Anyways, after I wore the dress, I had to go on to the stage where they take the photos, and pose. One of the poses were to put my hands in my hair, standing straight up, with one leg slightly bent, and no expression on my face.

The next dress I wore was a red chiffon one shoulder off cocktail dress with a sparkling white top

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The next dress I wore was a red chiffon one shoulder off cocktail dress with a sparkling white top. I found it lying around at home, so I thought I would wear it, obviously with the permission from my manager.


What the hell? How long do I have to stand in this? I assume this is a closet, but how is there a door in the closet, other than the door you open to get the clothes. Ooh... This might be a secret passageway or something. This is so cool! Why the hell am I fangirling over a fucking closet? Whatever. All I want to do is to get out of this stupid closet. I'm claustrophobic.

After a few minutes, I just stood there, playing shitty Angry Birds, and then after losing so many times, I started to play Crappy Flappy Bird. I am actually not that bad at it. My highest score for Flappy Bird is like 25. That is not bad. I played, and played, until my highest was 45. That was my highest score!

Suddenly, the door opened. Damn it! Why is it so bright? I tried to open my eyes, but the light was so bright since my eyes adjusted to the dark. After I opened my eyes, the next thing I saw was unbelievable.

Lilliana POV

I am so tired! I got my weekly pay of $17,500.00 and I just remembered I have to buy Shelby some food. Ughh... Why didn't I get it yesterday? Probably because I was too lazy yesterday. To be honest, Shelby eats a lot, for a small puppy. I found her on the street a few months ago.


I was walking with Trisha, to her car, and I saw a small puppy. The puppy was so cute! I saw that a car was coming its way. I ran towards the puppy, and grabbed it, just in time. I felt something wet on my hand. It was blood! I thought that I was bleeding, but no, the puppy had a cut on their leg. I took it home, and did a small treatment so that her cut would go away. I kneeled down to the puppy.

"I am going to keep you from now on. Your name will be Shelby." I said.

Shelby pounced on my, and started licking my face. I was laughing and she was barking.

End of Flashback

After a few twists and turns in the hallway, I finally found my room. I walked in, and changed into what I wore here. It was just lying around on the bed, so I thought that I could just wear it. I folded my dresses, first the light blue one, and then the red sparkly one, and started walking to my closet.

I opened the door with my key. I was about to put my clothes away, when I saw something, or should I say someone? I screamed, and fell down, not having balance.

"What the fuck! You idiot! Jae, why the hell are you here? What the fuck, idiot?" I cursed at him.

"Lilliana Maddox? Oh my god! It's like a dream come true!" He yelled.

Shit... I forgot that he loved me. I thought.

Before he could say anything more, I pushed him so that his back hit the wall, and I covered his mouth.

"Don't say anything. If someone hears us, I cannot risk to have the press right outside of my room saying that I have a freaking boyfriend." I whisper warned him. I took my hand carefully off his mouth.

"Woah, easy woman. I would like that to happen, for me to be your boyfriend. Actually I would love that. I didn't know you were gonna be here. Since you are, I rather you give me an autograph, for now." He winked at me and gave me a piece of paper I looked away for a second with a slight pink tint on my cheeks. But something caught my eye, while he was taking the paper out, I noticed something familiar. My glasses! He has my glasses!

"Why the fuck do you have my glasses Jae?" I asked.

"Damn, how do you know my name?" He asked. He smirked. I was ready to smack that fucking smirk off his face. I realized what I saicd, and covered my mouth. I was flushed. "Did you just say your glasses, Lilliana Maddox, also known as, Nora Morris?"

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