Chapter 15

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Lilliana POV

I woke up, to see the beautiful sunlight fall on my face. I sat up, and stretched. I looked to the right of my, on the night stand. There, was a photo frame, of Mom. I took it, and kissed it.

"Good morning Mom!" I said smiling.

"Why not give me a Good Morning kiss?" I looked to where that voice came from. Standing there at the door frame was the one and only, Jae.

"Why the hell are you in my room?"

"Your brother let me in, so voila!" He said with jazz hands.

I got out of bed, and walked towards my nearest, and only exit, which, unfortunately Jae was standing right there. He blocked the door, and held both of my wrists, and walked forward slowly, which made me walked backwards. Suddenly, I felt my back lightly press against the wall. He pinned me. I have no way of escaping. Let's see how I could survive this situation. I don't know what I was doing at that time, but I just went with the flow.

"Let go of me! Wha-" I started.

"You didn't answer my fucking question." He said, smirking. That same signature smirk he gave me at the photoshoot. That same smirk that I wanted to slap off his face.

He came closer to my ear. His face was so close to my ear that I feel his breath against my ear. Feeling his warm breath against my ear made a shiver crawl up my spine.

"If you don't want to answer my question, then, I will probably answer it for you," he whispered in my ear.

Oh no, he's gonna do it! He's gonna do it!

He backed away from my ear, and looked into my eyes, then, he started leaning in. I closed my eyes tightly, and I took in deep, shaky breaths. I could tell, even if my weren't open, I could tell that he was very, very close. I could feel his breath against my lips, so warm, and it smelled like mint gum. Spearmint, it was one of my favorite out of all the gum flavors. And his cologne, so dominant, makes feel like a mouse when he's like the lion. I felt blood rushing to my face, and it started to get hot. Like my face was almost sweating. Butterflies were in my stomach, fluttering, and tickling the inside of my stomach. It's a feeling that I cannot explain.

Nothing was happening, so I opened one of my eyes, and then the other, to see Jae trying hold back his laughter. I widened my eyes in shock, and my jaw dropped. He finally let out a laugh, and let go of my wrists.

"You should have seen yourself! That was hilarious! You looked so scared, and you're face was so flushed. HA HA HA!" He laughed like a total maniac.

I was shocked, mad, embarrassed, and I had so many emotions going through my head. I took advantage of this time, and hit him hard on the arm.

"Ouch! That hurt!" He yelled.

"Well you better make a run for it if you want to survive!" I said.

He went down the stairs, and I chased him down the stairs. As he was running away from me, I don't know what was on the floor, but I slipped. Jae tried to catch me from falling, but he fell to. I landed on top of him, and with the force, I accidentally did something that I never wanted to do in the first place. I accidentally kissed him, right there, on the lips. I never wanted to, but I have to admit that his lips are really soft, softer than I thought they would be. They felt like baby skin.

I came back to earth, from LaLa Land, to realize, once again that I was on top of Jae. We both got up, and looked away from each other, embarrassed.

Once again, Damien and Aaliyah were there again, trying to hold in their laughter. You could say that they always come at the "time".

"You know, whatever. I will just  get ready, and yeah." I said softly.

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